hmmmm.... not quite the flat line vcore you got lol!
Heh yeah you could say that!
Your suffering from a bad case of vDroop and fluctuating vCore. Your chip gets more voltage when idle and less voltage at load (when it needs it most), the voltage it is getting is really unstable like its been drinking too much coffee!
I'm not an expert on this area but I believe there are several reasons this is happening:
- The PSU is flakey/overheating
- The PWM Hardware is low grade
- The PWM Hardware is over-heating
There are other reasons but those three spring to mind, the first two is a big problem but the third (overheating PWMs) can be remedied with improved cooling. The PWM's take the power from the PSU and convert it into processor friendly current, if the PWMs get toasty they don't function as good as they would if cool. In Theory if you can cool them down that vCore ripple should steady out, it's certainly worth trying!
Yup!temps are lower than with prime95 (i assume that's because it doesn't torch the system to the same extent)!
See how it fairs with a large Data set!