I don't recall saying the stamps were all this season either
He bit people three times, yet between them he's stamped on ankles, stamped on the back of a player... and that was all just this season.
If it was Shawcross, if he broke another guys leg after Ramsey, should he face being out of football, what about if he did it to 5 more guys, there should surely be a point where the other players safety is regarded a higher priority than Shawcross's career. I don't believe he meant to hurt Ramsey at all but if someone is reckless and stupid repeatedly and can't change his behaviour, when do you put the other players first, there surely has to be some point at which you say okay, too big a risk, you're done.
So how many people can Suarez get away with biting before it's finally okay to talk about a permanent ban? I presume you don't think if he bit a player every other game he should be allowed to continue, is one a season okay, is two a season too much, there has to be a point somewhere right, so where do you see it?
If we're going to pick people who risk injuring others seriously frequently then you'd have players like De Jong topping the list, not Suarez