Fascinating reading the thread.
Suarez is brilliant, no doubt, but comes with negative points (racism, biting), however to even suggest sacking him is hilarious, Suarez represents (at least to Liverpool) a huge financial investment and I imagine that is how he will be seen at board level so sacking him makes little to no sense. Even if Liverpool want to get rid of him, sacking him as opposed to selling him for ~money~ makes no sense.
I think the decision was light, I was half expecting all football for 6 months and then after that missing 10 international games but on the other hand it's FIFA so I was half expecting a fine (well, it's how they deal with racism
I think what this has done though, for me at least, is highlight a bigger problem with football (specifically in response to bans). Don't get me wrong, Suarez biting someone is really ****, but it's not worse than Alan **** (that word begins with c) Shearer who kicked Lennon in the head and then held the FA to ransom over it. It's not as bad as going out and intentionally making a bad tackle / to hurt someone, it's not as bad as elbowing someone or whatever. These aren't punished in the same way, which is frustrating. I'm not drawing any comparisons to what other players have done (like many people have mentioned Terry, Ferdinand missing his drugs appointment, Cantona hitting a racist, whatever) but just in general, if a player elbows someone, ban the idiot for longer. If a player makes a properly horrible tackle, ban the idiot for longer. Like, Suarez gets 4 months for biting someone (totally fine) but then whomever comes along and breaks someone's leg and gets a 3 match ban. Meh, just tipsy ramblings.
I think the ban for Suarez is meh, whatever, but I think it actually just highlights for me the failing to address other dangerous situations on the pitch.
Also; might have been G|mp talking about Wilshire's being a crack ***** ages ago
I got my freaking comments deleted though