While Anzi were splashing major cash remember that was mostly to get some serious talent in, Roberto Carlos quite a while back, Eto'o, those guys were utterly established brilliant players coming from the best clubs in the world, it doesn't really matter how good Willian is or isn't, he wasn't remotely close to being able to negotiate a 200k + a week contract. Eto'o would have been on over 150k a week at Inter, Willian wasn't on close to that before he left.
65k sounds, silly but i'd imagine that could include a huge signing on bonus, OR a percentage of his next transfer. IE we'll give you 65k a week, but 5mil extra upfront and 30% of any transfer fee when you eventually try to get a move to Real/Barca/Chelsea/City.
There are loads of ways to work deals, this whole Cesc saga and sell on clause. Barca want a 45-50mil player, they negotiate a deal where by they pay 30mil upfront(and I believe we also got out of giving Cesc a circa 5mil "loyalty" type pay off). If Cesc stays at Barca for life, Barca make out great in the deal, if Cesc moves on after 5 years for 30mil and we get 15mil of that, Arsenal make out on the deal. People take risks for a bigger pay off all the time.
If Willian had a deal like that, lets say he moves to Real for 50mil in two years, he could be receiving 15-20mil of that fee while making 65k a week for two years, or 7mil or so, vs otherwise getting 150k a week for two years and making 15mil outright in wages, but no bonus if he moves on.
He could have had a similar deal setup with Anzi for all we know and could be making a mint off the move already and very happy to do it again with Spurs.
What exactly would happen if after signing all these guys, they expect Bale to sign and seal his move to Real to make most of their cash back.... but bale decides to stick around seeing as the team is so good now. I think Levy would have a heart attack, as might Wenger, and Rodgers.
EDIT:- I'm trying to remember a move maybe 3-4 years ago, maybe even longer, where someone was on a "low" wage but he got a huge signing on bonus to effective have a higher wage. For where a club has some money temporarily but they don't necessarily want big wages on the book going forward.