I think this season if Spurs get Willian and perhaps Lamela and along with their other signings they have made, its going to be very interesting to see the 4th place race. At the moment on paper, id put Spurs well ahead of Arsenal unless by some sort of miracle we manage to sign 3-4 world class players but if the Spurs gel with Willian, Soldado, Capoue, Paulinho and manage to keep Bale then they are definitely going to be challenging for top honours this season. Meanwhile Arsenal will struggle for most of the season with Wenger saying this squad is good enough to win trophies and challenge for PL title...repeat and rinse until Wenger finally calls it a day
I was listening to his new conference yesterday where he was being grilled by journo's about his transfer business or lack of it. Said that for the past 16 yrs we have been very successful in the transfer market

...sure selling wise we have been but not buying wise. So i just dont know what drugs he is on along with the board. Also went onto to say that he is trying placate Arsenal fans by making bids for players...problem is that when we are after no namers such as Cabaye, that isnt going to placate Arsenal fans at all especially when its a cheap ass bid. We have the money and we arent spending it one single bit and thats the most worrying thing and our rivals Spurs have made us look like complete utter amateurs so far this summer.