Summer Transfer Window 2017/18 - Rumours & Signings

Spanish buyout clauses and shirt sales paying a players transfer fee - every transfer window! Utd can offer the figure in his clause but it's will not force Atletico to sell. The only way that clause is enforceable is if the player himself pays the money to the club.

edit: I should just say, this assumes he doesn't have an additional separate clause in his deal and we're talking about the clause that all La Liga players must have in their contracts.
Have you got the original source for that? First I've heard of that and would be interested to see the capital gain implications - it makes it a lot cheaper to force a club to sell but would still require the player to make the payment. The other issue would be any buying club would have to pay the full fee in one lump sum which typically doesn't happen.
Ducker's now reporting that Utd aren't after Griezmann now and want a replacement for Zlatan instead. Kane, Lukaku or Morata?
Lovren's odd - he either plays really well or terribly. If we do end up paying £50m for VVD then we'd have spent not far off £150m signing players from Southampton - we could have bought the entire club for not much more than that.
The whole Griezmann situation never made complete sense to me. First of all, since when has he been a number 10? Maybe I'm wrong but I've always seen him predominantly as a centre forward and that's where I saw the problem. It's no surprise to me that Mourinho's main focus is replacing Zlatan - I mentioned it in regards to Rashford's long term future/position, Mourinho likes having a big, powerful centre forward in his sides and Griezmann isn't that.

You've then got the defensive midfield question - assuming Utd do sign a DM this summer that surely means Utd playing a 4-3-3 or Pogba moving into a number 10 role more often in a 4-2-3-1. You'd then be shoehorning Griezmann into the side in a wider role - paying that sort of fee for a player and then playing them out of position doesn't make a lot of sense.
Raiola's comments were quite telling - nobody will sell to Utd for a fair price. As he said, as soon as a PL club comes knocking the price goes up and that's never been truer than with Utd. You asked the question why Utd can't sign Griezmann and a striker but you've explained why yourself. A centre forward is going to cost you a bomb, you then need a winger, DM, fullback, centre back and possibly a keeper too - it's going to cost a lot to buy all that.

You're not getting Kane, I only mentioned him earlier to wind CM up. Lukaku seems unlikely too - talk for a while now is he's Chelsea bound and you have to remember he left Chelsea under Mourinho because he wasn't getting enough chances. I've not seen much of Belotti but Morata must be an option - he's available and fits the bill.
Reports tonight that Liverpool have had a £28m bid for Salah rejected with Roma wanting closer to £40m. Yes, the same Salah that Liverpool could have signed for £12m 3 years ago :o
From memory that wasn't the case. He was set to join us, gave interviews saying as much but we simply didn't agree a fee with Basel and then Chelsea stepped in and signed him.
Could be, and would highlight what I said earlier in the thread about us repeatedly missing out on players that we want in transfer windows because we have a history of not acting fast enough or trying to haggle too much over price being a cause of my pessimism when it comes to us and signings in transfer windows.
That's because supporters want everything. They will complain when a club charges too much for tickets but then expect the club to spend beyond it's means to sign a player and if they do pay whatever it takes to sign a player and he doesn't work out, they complain that the club overpaid too.

Everything is easy with hindsight. For every Salah there's another player the club refused to pay 'that extra £2m' that turned out rubbish. We haven't got a bottomless pit of money and if they club paid over what they thought every player they targeted was worth then we'd go bust.
Its not about paying over what you think for "every" player, thats just taking it to extremes. Its about deciding that yes we really want player X and then instead of offering 15m for him when the asking price is 20m, just offer 20m to ensure you get him. Its not really all that different from trying to win something on ebay, if you really really want it then you offer close to what the person wants, not go in low and miss out. Obviously there is a difference between something you really want and something you just wouldnt mind having. IMO, if there is a player that we REALLY want, we should go in hard for them not try and save a couple of million. However, I can see this isnt really a conversation that will get either of us anywhere, I am someone who has not been impressed with our transfer policies for many years whereas you are someone who thinks they are doing fine in the transfer market and I'm incorrect in everything I say, hence its really not worth either of us continuing to discuss it as we are both just wasting our time.

I've not said you're incorrect - as you say, it's a difference of opinion.

I'm sure the club are more flexible with their valuations for players that they particularly want but you have to draw the line somewhere. If you value someone at £10m and the selling club are demanding £40m do you still pay what it takes? Fwiw, I don't think Salah was considered a high priority target at the time.
Unless Salah has improved a whole lot at Roma I'm surprised Liverpool are after him.
He's had a stonking season by all accounts - 19 goals and 15 assists in 41 games. I can't say I've seen any of those games though.

He's certainly the type of player we need to add to our squad. We played a 4-3-3 most of last season and we done it with only 1 player who's natural position is wide in a front 3. Without Mane we had nobody that could offer us any width or pace - another quick, tricky, goalscoring, wide forward was a must for us this summer. As for the fee, **** knows what people are worth any more. £35m today is £25m of 2 years ago I guess and when you have people like Perisic be touted about for £45m, you're going to struggle to find much better value than £35m for Salah without taking a punt on a prospect.
VVD is a great CB but more importantly, he's the perfect CB for how Liverpool play and what we need. There was never any point in Liverpool signing a John Terry type CB, who's at his best when he's defending his 18 yard box, making blocks and heading things away. Liverpool need somebody that's going to bring the ball out of the back and be an extra midfielder when teams sit deep but when teams break on us, has the pace and ability to defend in one on one situations. VVD puts a massive tick in both those boxes, the fact that he's also very good in the air is a huge positive too as when either Lovren or Matip have been missing we've been found wanting defending long balls and crosses too.

The price is crazy and normally I'm not one for paying what it takes to get somebody but for him I'll make an exception because he's such a perfect fit for what we need - I can't think of another established CB we could sign that fits the bill quite like VVD.
As I said the other week when the James rumours first surfaced, I can't see there being any truth in it. He doesn't fit the profile of a Mourinho player and there's no obvious place for him in the side. Surely Utd will sign a proper DM this summer which will mean either playing a 4-3-3 (no number 10 role) or if it's a 4-2-3-1 then Pogba will be the number 10.
Sounds like Southampton have got Liverpool bang to rights! Interesting development, wonder if they'd sell VVD to someone else?
All clubs tap players up in every single transfer, problem Liverpool have is that they just got done for tapping up some kid from Stoke and wouldn't want to risk a ban on signing players. Ironically they got caught out trying to do things semi by the book - Stoke had been paying this kid's School fees which isn't allowed and when Liverpool asked the League/FA whether they could take on the obligation they were told they couldn't and they therefore pulled out of the deal - it was then that the kid's family grassed Liverpool up for approaching him illegally.

Fwiw, I wouldn't rule out VVD still signing for us. A very similar thing happened in the first summer after FSG bought the club with Dempsey. Our owners have their own sports news network and they announced on there that we'd signed Dempsey before a deal was agreed - the club apologised then and said that they pulled out of any deal only to go back at the last minute in an attempt to sign him. If VVD wants out and Liverpool are the only or preferred choice for him then Southampton still have the same dilemma as now - this allows them to make it appear on their terms too.
Because no club is going to waste their time agreeing a fee with the other club without knowing the player wants to join them. 99.999999% of transfers involve players being tapped up - every club knows about it and they all do it.
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