Summer Transfer Window 2017/18 - Rumours & Signings

PAUL JOYCE: CEO Peter Moore is set to meet with #Southampton & if van #Dijk pushes for the move, it could still be on. #LFC

Theres more to this, Joyce is the most reliable lfc journo there is imo.

He's just giving his opinion/making an educated guess - do you really think there will be any more leaks related to VVD now? There's a PL meeting which Moore will be attending so it's safe to assume that he will meet an exec from Southampton and the topic will come up. VVD still wants to leave and we know he wants/wanted to join us - Southampton are still left with the option of keeping a potentially unhappy player or cashing in with a huge offer.
Di Marzio :D

He's an agent's mouthpiece. He will report whatever he's fed. The amount of times Liverpool have signed some random Serie A player according to him when the reality is they've had no interest in said player.
Can only call it how I see it BaZ. Last summer he was pretty much on the money where MUFC was concerned. John Cross Mirror was years behind. Closest to any call was Ducker from the times.

Cannot disagree with you if the LFC stories were wide of the mark.

He wasn't on the money though. How many times did he report the deal was imminent and then another week passed? He has no connections at Utd - his connection was Raiola and he reported what Raiola wanted him to report. There will be times where what he's reporting is legit but there's just as many times where he's being fed something to flush out interest or put pressure on other clubs to up their offers and so on.

The guy actually employs kids of twitter to spread his bs too.

When the likes of Ducker report something you know it's coming from the club - again you can't take it as gospel as there will be times when clubs are briefing misinformation for their benefit. Then you have national clowns like John Cross that literally just make **** up.
Hope so, that would rule out any possibility of them coming in for Coutinho then.

@Loki I'd be very surprised if Mourinho suddenly switched to 3 at the back - I certainly can't remember him every playing it before.
I've watched him quite a bit for the youth teams and England and he's always been one of those players who's ahead of his peers in his ability and physicality but on the few occasions he's been in the first team he's looked miles behind, that's not damning him just highlighting the gap.
Not surprised we are letting him go though as he has got potential but we have a couple of better players in his age range and position so he probably wouldn't have got another chance.
But yeah, you will win the league now.
Letting him go? He was out of contract and refused to sign a new deal I thought.
Whichever way you look at it, £30m is very expensive but he is a very good keeper. Ultimately Everton have took the decision to go for him over somebody equally as good from abroad for half the price because there's less risk in terms of settling in and adapting.

And fwiw, isn't the fee only £22m, rising to £30m. Still a lot but as above, any decent keeper is going to cost you £10-15m these days.
What about teams requesting premium prices for players they arent playing? (£80m for Morata, he maybe a great player, but thats Ronaldo /Bale money for a bit part player)
Are you suggesting that selling clubs should be more reasonable and allow their players to leave for smaller fees? That's plain mad. If Real believe that Utd or any other buying club is willing to pay a stupid fee then they are absolutely right to demand it. Buying, not selling clubs are the cause of inflated fees. Selling clubs will always push for the most they can get, how much that is depends entirely on the buying clubs.
and as I said asking £50m more than what he was worth last summer, for a single season where he was mainly a barely-used sub is plain madness - whether the other club can afford it or not.

It's Real's job to get as much money for him as possible. It would be madness for them to sell him for a penny less than they believed someone would be willing to sign him for.

He's worth whatever Real can convince Utd or whoever to else to pay. How good, bad or unused he was makes **** all difference. We can all say it's mental and we don't think he's worth it but all that matter is how much the buying club is willing to spend.
They've been regulated but nothing can or will change. You can come up with 100 laws but there will always be a way around them - if a club wants a player enough they'll pay the selling club, player and agent whatever they have to.

As bad for the game as some agents are, it's not them that have caused prices to increase. It's a simple down to the amount of money in the game. Not that long ago a fair few PL clubs hadn't spent over £10m on a player and only a few could ever think about spending more than £20m. It's now possible for every PL side to spend over £20m on a player, a fair few can spend over £30m without too much problems and the biggest sides can spend over £50m without it being a big deal. When a £20m player was available 10 years ago there was only a few clubs that could afford him so there wasn't the market to push the price higher, now you have every club in the League that can afford him and the competition pushes the price higher.
A word of warning, after years of banging my head against a wall with this I've decided that anybody mentioning shirt sales in relation to a transfer fee will be permabanned.
Actually he didnt - he played about 10 games less than he would "normally" - since 2010 more often than not he has played ~55 games a season and this season it was 46

You do have a wonderful way of distorting facts to suit your argument Frank. In 8 seasons at Real, he's only played more than 48 games in a season 4 times and even prior to this season he averaged less than 50 appearances per season in the previous 7 seasons. He's played a few games less than previous but it's not this massive drop off that you're trying to claim.

He was always going to age better than somebody like Rooney because he takes care of himself. His pace will gradually go and he'll become less effective as the years go by but you can see him, similar to Zlatan, playing week in week out at a decent level for another 3 years. Whether that's enough to justify the £150m+ fee and £500k per week wages for 5 years is another matter.
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