Summer weather thread 2024

just slightly wet but nice and warm up in the true North of England.

Saw a massive fat slug on my wall, must have been pregnant or something... had to spray it with bleach , belly flop to the floor from about 8-9ft and sent off to the after life with a burial mound of salt.


bet it was looking to lay eggs, don't usually see them in the day time.

literally looked like a jelly cocoon on the wall, never seen something so disgusting in my life.

Makes you wonder if people ever ate them hundreds of years ago, I bet the French have tried

Should have picked it off and thrown it out into the verge for another animal/bird to eat.
Should have picked it off and thrown it out into the verge for another animal/bird to eat.
I can't reach that high easier to spray it.

seemed to be dead after about 5 seconds so not like it struggled.

The kitchen window being open just set off the extractor fan, I guess that explains the slug coming out early in the day.
90% relative humidity according to the weather man.
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