Summer weather thread 2024

just slightly wet but nice and warm up in the true North of England.

Saw a massive fat slug on my wall, must have been pregnant or something... had to spray it with bleach , belly flop to the floor from about 8-9ft and sent off to the after life with a burial mound of salt.


bet it was looking to lay eggs, don't usually see them in the day time.

literally looked like a jelly cocoon on the wall, never seen something so disgusting in my life.

Makes you wonder if people ever ate them hundreds of years ago, I bet the French have tried

Should have picked it off and thrown it out into the verge for another animal/bird to eat.
Should have picked it off and thrown it out into the verge for another animal/bird to eat.
I can't reach that high easier to spray it.

seemed to be dead after about 5 seconds so not like it struggled.

The kitchen window being open just set off the extractor fan, I guess that explains the slug coming out early in the day.
90% relative humidity according to the weather man.
Further North than you :p

Grim buddy!
Tell us something we don’t know!

"south and east have had a more typical UK summer" yup sounds about right. Sunny again today at least that overnight heat & humidity of a few days ago has gone can get some sleep now
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Raining heavily again today... Saturday was nice but, apart from that, I don't think we've had a dry day in August :(

Same. It's been extremely difficult finding any gap in weather where it's been nice. Usually September is nice. But again, not a sunny day all month so far
Isn't it meteorological autumn now, since September 1st?

Been very wet in Southampton the days few days at least, no sign of an Indian summer, but thankfully a little drier the coming week here and in Wiltshire (where we will be on hols).
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Fantastic weekend here... Was dull in the morning but then the sun burnt the mist/fog away and it was glorious... Out for a walk in shorts/t-shirt and then sat out the back reading a book in the sun. I had to put the umbrella up to stave off the heat from the direct sun as it was way too warm :eek:
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