It wouldn't have been bad as a regular episode but it was a poor finale, this of all episodes was not one to solve the immediate problem in 5 minutes to go back to business as usual for the lionshare of the episode, even if it meant having the big showdown earlier and a longer epilogue the danger and threat from last week should have been kept until Nom and Indigo were defeated, not 5 minutes of danger, the power of friendship and then swanning about the office as if nothing is wrong.
That and they need to put up or shut up regarding Superman, if you want him in this universe cast an actor and start having him interact with his cousin and J'onn (you know this show that has the recurring theme of how important family is), including occasionally using them together for big events. You don't need to explain his absence at every turn, when Zack Synder isn't involved "He's Superman, he's off saving people" is all the explaination needed when he isn't available.
Or write him off somehow, dead, off planet, alternate dimension it doesn't really matter but get him gone and start telling the story of Kara having to adapt to being the big gun on the entire planet rather than a single city. But either way they need to commit to a course instead of this distant CGI shot and IM stuff.