Liked Supergirl I don't quite get all the girl power and teen stuff though but then again I watched the entire season 1 in one go and the last crop of episodes had things moving and better.
I do like how they are well into the DC and superman universe already, they hinted already at 'Lobo' the alien bounty hunter who has already popped up in the universe, you had maxima, then you have Brainiac 8 or indigo played by vandervoort the original supergirl from smallville, I actually found her costume and design too similar to x-mens mystique. I also liked how they teased clark and superman constantly, yeah we can't get a proper Superman or Batman or A class hero show but this is the next best thing!
Still its not quite like smallville and so teeny I felt, Jon Jonezz and the rest of the superman mythos made it a nice show and supergirl is fitting into her role, I look forward to season 2 in October, and the arrow, flash and loT cross over !