US: Supergirl (Arrow/Flash team)

I'm actually not enjoying the 2nd series as much as the first, they are trying to pack too many sub-plots for each character which is detracting from the main story-lines imo.

In particular, I don't care about the sister's love-life and it should have very little relevance to the show
Cyborg Superman????

Erm what???????

Did they even bother to research the origin story for Hank and why ....

he called Cyborg Superman. The show explanation makes no sense. Suddenly he Superman but doesn't explain the lack of Kryptonian DNA or why he thinks he Superman. Really really lazy writing
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Just wondering but since when was heat vision that blue\white colour? Been red in every other incarnation of this or superman besides this run of it.
As far as I'm aware the heat vision it's just a stylistic choice they made for this show.

Oh and as for the Hank Henshaw thing, yeah I don't get it. Now I'll admit I'm not that up on Nu52 and beyond DC but unless they seriously retconned Henshaw we're already way off the reservation here anyway, so instead of a name that makes little sense for the character they have using it why not take say a pinch of Eradicator's backstory and name?
All can easily be explained by the fact that Supergirl takes place on Earth-38, not Earth-Prime.
Earth 38 - Never heard of it so must have missed it. Is that the TV universe?

Earth Prime - don't you mean Earth one? Earth Prime is the audience/ comic book reader universe.
Earth 38 is Supergirls universe. Can't remember if it was said after last years crossover but Cisco called it that on the Flash last night.

And it being a different Earth does allow for many small ills to be washed away, nothing about ti being set there explains Henshaw taking a name that winking at his comic identity aside has nothing to do with this interpretation of the character.
Well I wouldn't say that was the best thing.. Its not a bad show... Melissa Benoist is great, stunningly attractive young woman and although the stories are often OTT (Its a superhero show) its a decently acted, well written and directed show.

Oh and Linda Carter (Original Wonder Woman) is in it, Dean Cain (Superman from Lois and Clarke) is in it oh and the next episode has the gorgeous Teri Hatcher (Lois from Lois and Clarke) and Kevin Sorbo (Hercules)...
They started all this way back with Smallville, Christopher Reeve was even in it. Dean Cain, Teri Hatcher, Helen Slater, Lynda Carter, Carrie Fisher.... big BIG list.

Edit: Just realised Amy Adams before Man of Steel! I can only assume she is a time traveler...
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