That may be the case, but the show writers seem to have lost all perspective and respect for the show's lore. It's perfectly possible to bring in the big story arcs without mutilating the soul of the show.
Up to Season 5, a Demon was a formidable opponent, an Angel was an awe-inspiring force, and power-players like Zachariah, Castiel, Azazel, Lilith, Rafael, Crowley and Lucifer called the shots. Sam and Dean were just insubordinate little pawns. Over the course of the last few seasons, Demons have become cannon fodder, it has become perfectly plausible for the brothers to take on an Angel or two in hand-to-hand combat, and all of the big players now bow down for Sam and Dean Winchester. There's no real explanation for this. It just is.
I still enjoy watching it. It's fun. I just don't think it's been quite the same since Erik Kripke stepped back.