Supplements the debate/discussion thread

Yeah, anything stronger than coffee is unchartered territory for me, I just don't know how my body will react. A Friend of mine had a bad experience on similiar supps and had to go to hospital due to his heart beating too fast. I can see the appeal though, if I knew I would be fine on them then I would take the dive.

Must have been some sort of medical reaction?

I can't imagine any legal substance would have that effect on all but a very small % of people.

But then if coffee does the trick then there is no need for anything else.
That's not gonna happen unless you take a stupid amount for the first time. I took like 350mg caffeine the other week by accident and that was an interesting experience :p

My mate took somewhere in the region of a few grams of caffeine in one go, he wont be doing that again in a hurry!
So how quickly do you feel the benefits of Multivitamins? Basically I've felt pretty crappy for ages. Got myself some Alpha Men Super Multi vitamins, Some mega Green tea extract and 1000mg Cod Liver oil caps.

Now I feel amazing compared to how I did before taking these. Thing is, I've only been taking them 2 days!? Is it really possible for me to feel so much better already, or would you say I'm just having a placebo effect. Either way I'm not complaining :p

BTW I do eat quite well, But its hard to eat food that ticks all the boxes all the time.
I've never felt a noticeable difference from multi vits where I can go 'yea that's the multi vits working'.
Dextrose tastes so nice! Went for unflavoured, had no idea it'd taste so sugary! coupled with vanilla whey it's incredible.

I've no idea, but the 'unflavoured' one (as they claim it to be) tastes very sugary.

Not knowing the product other than what it should be providing me after a workout, I've no idea if being sugary is normal, think caster sugar, much like the consistency of that!

Ah ha, 'sweet tasting and instant mixing' :p

Hate to tell you....

That's because it is practically sugar :p

I agree though, Every time I've taken this my eyes suddenly go RARRRRRRRR and i'm all awake :o
Got my simply supplements omega 3 this morning, very pleased. Here's a photo to show you the size compared to MP omega 3.

They normally take up to 10days for mine to come thorough, even though they're apparently dispatched same day
If you use it do you mind posting up a little review/ thoughts? Currently looking for something pre workout and they have just dropped this in the 50% off sale thinge on MP thanks! :cool:

It was decent. Considering i had less than 5 hours sleep last night and was feeling generally crap this morning it certainly picked me up. Endurance through the workout was very good, pump was decent (actually got a nice chest pump for once) and still had some left in the tank after an hours workout.

Didn't mix too well. I used slightly more than the suggested water and even after a hard shake there was still a little bit clumped at the bottom that needed some extra water.

110mg caffeine wasn't enough for me, but i have quite a high tolerance. I'd probably add 50mg or so of my own in future to the 20g serving of pulse.

Overall i'm probably going to order it on monday with it being in the sale, £12 for 40 servings is awesome value :)
I've been a regular pulse user for a while. Definitely feel a bit more lethargic if i don't take it pre-workout. don't get a huge buzz, but i'll admit i take a lot of stims throughout the week anyway.

Skill, if you had one of the sample bottles, it can have some moisture in which means the powder forms solid lumps over time, this doesn't happen with a normal pack (as long as you make sure it's sealed). I prefer to keep mine in an air tight container.
I don't plan on taking it every day, pretty high caffeine tolerance as it is, don't fancy building up a huge tolerance to everything else aswell :p

Was a sample mini packet so completely sealed, powder wasn't lumpy it just needs a bit more water than recommended i think.
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