Supplements the debate/discussion thread

Won't be using again what a cowboy outfit.

Placed an order for 4 products all in stock, 10 days later still nothing. Then I ask where it is and they say one product is out of stock (still showing as in stock even now) So they send the other 3 items, why did I need to request this to happen??

The Krill Oil is rancid, caps are melted and smell like death. No questions asked they just send another tub, this is one of the most expensive supplements you can buy so this immediately raised concerns with me. They didn't ask for evidence or for the other tub to be returned. As I suspected the new tub arrived today exactly the same... poor quality stock.

Still no signs of the other item nearly 3 weeks later either. Shoddy!
Anyone use a blender / juicer to make shakes? It's pay day on Friday and I could do with one if anyone has some recommendations. :)
Won't be using again what a cowboy outfit.

Placed an order for 4 products all in stock, 10 days later still nothing. Then I ask where it is and they say one product is out of stock (still showing as in stock even now) So they send the other 3 items, why did I need to request this to happen??

The Krill Oil is rancid, caps are melted and smell like death. No questions asked they just send another tub, this is one of the most expensive supplements you can buy so this immediately raised concerns with me. They didn't ask for evidence or for the other tub to be returned. As I suspected the new tub arrived today exactly the same... poor quality stock.

Still no signs of the other item nearly 3 weeks later either. Shoddy!
Kind of glad I missed out on the deals in that case. Shoddy indeed.
Im really surprised to hear the bad rep for, ive been using them for about a year and a half now and never had a problem, i cant say for the The Krill Oil because ive never tried it, but delivery for my is usually 2 days, and ive never had any problems.
How often do people use pre-work out supps like Jack3d et al?

FF, I have sent you another e-mail because I have no will power :( (excuse the pun)
Although every care is taken in the quality of content on this site, there may occasionally be an error and items may be mispriced. In this event we will either: contact you to ask if you wish to cancel the order, or simply cancel the order and notify you, at our own discretion. We are under no obligation to supply goods at the incorrect price.
Would it be a bad move to start taking creatine if I'm looking to lose weight..? or have I completely misunderstood what purpose it serves?

Keep seeing people mention creatine, and it's always the suggested "goes well with.." on most myprotein supps.

I was thinking of adding it to my whey order now but don't want to waste money if it's going to be of no use.
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