Supplements the debate/discussion thread

Out of curiosity does anybody here use Multi-Vitamin supplements? If so which ones?

As satsuma's haven't been in Morrisons lately I've not gotten as much as I used to.

Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C are the vitamins needed for amino acid metabolism

As I'm currently banging quite a few down my next I'm considering a Vitamin C & B6 supp as it's reasonably cheap. Not entirely sure if it's worth it.

Yep I could just eat more oranges etc but they're such a PITA to peel! and messy as hell to eat and a supp would work out much cheaper no doubt. Not as good as the real thing but not made of money unfortunatley!
I have 1 MP multi-vit a day. I used to have the powder years ago, but the tabs are easier to take and cheap enough really.
I tried the mega hyped Animal Pack that has got a fistfull of massive pills - didn't do **** except from turning my pee into bright yellow. I do have a decent amount of veg and fruit in my daily diet already, it would probably make a difference if you never eat anything that's not meat lol.

will be back to my good ol' 1g of vitamin C per day after I'll finish the AP
I use Tesco complete for men (i think its for men? or just the usual one... has a silver cap). Seems to do me fine, that along with glucosamine and tesco's own omega-3 (says 1 a day but I take 4) is my vit/mineral supp for the day!
Yeah I've heard about this before. They really are meant for supplementation and not as a replacement for whole food. To be fair though, most manufacturers state this on the label or they write 'may be beneficial to those on a restricted diet'.
They are much more expensive, and it recommends 4 a day! What makes them better than the other for like 8 times the price?

4 a day is madness. I'm on 2 a day (one on wake, one before bed). The high zinc saves me money buying standalone zinc/ZMA and it helps me get to sleep. I can definately feel when i miss my morning pill, and they kick cold's ass!
They really are meant for supplementation and not as a replacement for whole food.

Clever marketing has brainwashed many into thinking that the above statement is true. Bottom line is its all about profit and profit only. Not that i'm against companies making profit, trading the stock market is a huge part of my life. Hail Capitalism :)

Manufactured vitamins and minerals are NOT the same as natural nutrients that nature provides. Take vit C supplements for example, "Ascorbic Acid" is only part of the Vit C complex that only nature can provide. Taking ascorbic acid will not cure scurvy, not that we have to worry about scurvy in the modern world lol. Same with Vit D, a supplement is NOT the same as natural Vit D that our bodies make when exposed to sunlight. FACT.

Vit/Min supplements are man made chemicals that will do more harm than good to your body. When will people start to get this? :)
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When people still get ill despite taking all these "vitamins" thinking that it'll protect them instead of eating good wholesome diets. People forget that vitamins that are required are vitamin complexes which basically means a whole branch of nutrients tied to the vitamin. Look at vitamin B complexes, off the top of my head there are at least 8 elements to it alone, even then that's just scratching the surface - the way they are present in food is different to the man made versions. However, I can agree and admit that man made ones do work synergistically with the body as your body WILL metabolise and bind to the elements as expected. However the dosages often seem way too high to me. What do you reckon Jeffstar?
True FF. There is a common belief that vit c supp cures a cold, where it came from i don't know. I guess if enough people say it, it becomes a truth, much like the world was flat once :p

EDIT: FF i reckon anyone who cares about their health should ignore BS marketing and stop wasting their money on "health in a bottle" but i think you already knew that ;)

Each to their own though.
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I think people with deficiencies owing to their environments, being night workers, or allergies or just shocking diets, vitamins certainly can help, but I agree I think they are an unnecessary addition to one's arsenal - buy fruits and veg, eat nice wholesome foods and you'll get just as many benefits. Then again look at the Asian world, no food allergies over there, I really think it's a western thing owing to our atrocious diets and general malnourishment of the western world in general which is why the supplement business is so successful - because the test cases were people with deficiencies and as such responded positively to the addition to their diet.

Don't get me wrong some vits can really help give you a boost, it's like overdosing on anything (coffee or sugar for example) but other than that relying on them is still a dangerous habit.
I believe food allergy hasn't been studied so much in the Asian world, maybe thats why you don't hear so much about it? Apparently some have a rice unlucky is that lol.

In the Western world, i think many who claim they have a food allergy don't really have an allergy at all, it's just a way of bringing attention to themselves, mainly a woman thing imo. Of course that is not always the case. Glad i don't have any.
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On second thoughts i do I think i may be allergic to something...long term relationship commitment, i mean it's just not natural for a bloke to stay with the same pussy for life is it? I do believe in serial monogamy though.

Off topic i know but much more interesting than discussing supplements so no appologies :p
I been training for a couple of months now, but not really getting enough protein etc in my diet, so I just ordered some stuff from my protein so Its time for me to pile on some pounds!

Bought some True Whey and some Hurricane XS for training days.

I need to gain mass cos im still puney!
True Whey ***! Just ordered my years supply last week :) works out £4 more expensive than a 10lb bag of Impact Blend (when buying 11 or more tubs at once :p)
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