Supplements the debate/discussion thread

I'm surprised you got that effect from tribulus tbh :/ Unless you're in your 40s in which case it is quite plausible. :) Trib needs to be high in protodioscin otherwise it isn't effective and there are so many different types of trib out there. Some reasearch seems to suggest that not only does the Tribulus need to be Bulgarian but the part of the plant is also crucial, fruit and roots are no good it needs to be from the leaf.

Interesting post! My training partner and I went halves on a bottle from MP on sale. The effects are similar with both of us but i seem to feel more of an effect. We're both 20 and male. 300mg a day, 95% saponins
Interesting post! My training partner and I went halves on a bottle from MP on sale. The effects are similar with both of us but i seem to feel more of an effect. We're both 20 and male. 300mg a day, 95% saponins

Don't know why you're knocking the effects then as that's precisely what you should be getting. I don't buy the whole roid rage crap either. If you're a **** off them then you'll still be one on them. Some of my friends who do dabble are fine but then it is down to the individual. Don't let the temper trick you. If you genuinely think your test levels are up then you should increase your protein intake as your protein synthesis will be up. However trib will only five you limited "boost" anyway and best to cycle it. :)
I did warn that pea protein ain't so nice!! :D

Oh god, I just tried it again and there's no way I can keep this stuff down. After a sip my body wants to bring it back up again, same thing happened to both of my house mates! I might send the second bag back and just get more whey, or maybe mix half and half with soy or brown rice protein (has anyone tried either?).
I didn't find it THAT bad then again my palate enjoys all sorts of foods! :) However it wasn't a drink I'd choose to drink, however as a sup I it's good for what it is.
Saw this on another forum, very interesting:

This image is a “balloon race”. The higher a bubble, the greater the evidence for its effectiveness. But the supplements are only effective for the conditions listed inside the bubble.

You might also see multiple bubbles for certain supps. These is because some supps affect a range of conditions, but the evidence quality varies from condition to condition. For example, there’s strong evidence that Green Tea is good for cholesterol levels. But evidence for its anti-cancer effects is conflicting. In these cases, we give a supp another bubble.

My AAKG, Citrulin Mallate & Cafeine came today. Along with some HMB & L-Glutamine for later on. Had a bit of an itch so decided to scratch it.

Bunged it in along with my serving of V-Max to up Arganine to 6.5grams, Citrulline Mallate to 6.5 grams, Taurine to 4.3 grams, Beta-Alanine to 4.5 grams, Cafeine to around .5 grams.

Was fearing that these amounts may have been a little too much but worked out quite nicely. I was worried that the pump would actually stop me being able to proceed but whilst it was intense and full it wasn't crippling.

Taste wise it wasn't that bad with the V-max though without I think it's reminiscient of EAA's. Considering putting a splash of lemon juice in there but not sure if this is a wise idea in regards to effecting the aminos themself.
Very pleased to see Vit D right up there at the top, a very very underestimated vitamin and also one with a high percentage of deficiency!

Got some tabs the other day and very pleased ive learnt about them earlier, rather than later.
That list is a little out of context though and some of them have no research associated with them. The idea behind what they're trying to do is good, but it's not been done the best way IMO as there are some supps there with great research but have been omitted or downgraded. It's laudable, but incomplete. As a rough guide, it makes sense, but it should not be a bible, vitamin b complexes, reservratol and magnesium being prime examples.
Decided to try out some of the brown rice protein from MP as I find that whey causes me to break out in spots. All I can say is urrggghhhh! It is truly rank - in fact it reaches new heights of rankness. I normally have a pretty strong stomach but this is just not drinkable/edible for me. I even tried some in my porridge this morning - all that achieved was to make my porridge taste disgusting. Think I will stick to whole foods from now on!
Good question and something that I have pondered myself. I was thinking of maybe trying one of MP's unflavoured wheys to see if I still breakout before giving up on it altogether!

Sounds like a good idea mate. Might likely be the sweetners they use. If things like sugar/chocolate etc also cause you to breakout then I'd probaly suggest it was this.
Good question and something that I have pondered myself. I was thinking of maybe trying one of MP's unflavoured wheys to see if I still breakout before giving up on it altogether!

Ive tried both and I can safely say that both caused me to get spots. I think it has something to do with the soy lecithin or the lactose.

Even the isolate causes me to get more, despite having such low amounts of lactose.
Ive tried both and I can safely say that both caused me to get spots. I think it has something to do with the soy lecithin or the lactose.

Even the isolate causes me to get more, despite having such low amounts of lactose.

How come people in GD are always going on about how there is no evidence that what you eat has any affect on spots? I've never felt the need to look into it either way but they always seem adamant.
How come people in GD are always going on about how there is no evidence that what you eat has any affect on spots? I've never felt the need to look into it either way but they always seem adamant.

I think clinical acne is unavoidable although diet can cause an outbreak in spots.

Perhaps it is because they are not 25 stone living on crap

you mean because the majority of GD probably are? :p
How spots form?

1. Dead skin blocks your pores
2. Oil cannot escape your pore leading to a build up
3. Bacteria form and multiply inside the oily pore
4. This leads to a spot forming

Q. How can you break this cycle?

A. Wash the affected area twice a day everyday using a facial scrub (the cream with the abrasive bits in it).

People are just too lazy to follow this simple advice, you need to wash your face/back or wherever you get spots 2 times a day using an abrasive scrub. This is to ensure all dead skin gets washed off and prevents it from blocking pores. People tend to do it either once a day or twice a day for a few days then stop, or only do it when they get spots, by then its too late, you need to do it every single day without fail.

I've never had spots or acne ever, the most number of spots i've ever had on my face at any one time has probably been two, i just never get them, i cant even remember the last time i had a spot its been so long. I also eat a lot of desserts and chocolate. I have junk food on occasion too but only once a week and i never go near mc donalds unless forced to do so by friends. So yeah it has nothing to do with food, but to do with your own skin, especially dead skin.
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