Supplements the debate/discussion thread

The scoop that comes with the whey is about 24g. Depending what's in your mix then the weight will be different, do you have scales?
ok so my craze has just come :D.

Just wanted to check has anyone experienced any serious sides with this?

Im a fit guy do a lot of cardio heart and blood pressure perfect, so just wanted to check before i go taking it and getting all worked up lol
ok so my craze has just come :D.

Just wanted to check has anyone experienced any serious sides with this?

Im a fit guy do a lot of cardio heart and blood pressure perfect, so just wanted to check before i go taking it and getting all worked up lol

You'll be fine, I found out the other day my BP is verging on silly high and I've had no issues with using good doses of stims in the past.
No more of that till I sort the ticker out though.
Just ordered some whey and dextrose from the Protein Works, first time ive used them so see how they go. I never had a problem with MP apart from delivery, so we'll see how they go...
I'd like to try TPW, but having not had any major issues with MP I'm reluctant. I tend to order my whey weeks in advance and it gets here fine via the cheapest delivery method....If I hadn't seen the FB page with all of its complaints I wouldn't know there was any issues :p
LOL LOL!!!! I have an MP shaker actually that I got at an expo. Their products are fine, they have to be - such a big company would need rigorous testing etc... I guess that's why I don't like them, because they're so big?

IT's stupid. Completely stupid. :p
Ya weirdo :p

I just prefer to buy supps from a company I know more about and have a closer affiliation to - and one that offers things more towards my interests.

It is irrational, as I said, but I've just never been a fan of MP when there are much better alternatives out there.

FF the Hipster? o.O


Not really - I just don't think their products are premium - but that's just an irrational unfounded belief. Besides, I don't use supps enough for it to be really a major condemnation anyway! :)
I just use them our of convenience, always have, and never had issues. :)

Got some whey from oneon so will be interesting to see how things go in that respect.
Have to agree with captain cherry bakewell tastes soo much more better than lemon shortcake.

Oh yeaaaah ;) Cherry Bakewell all the way. I'm using my Lemon up first to save the cherry for last. They emailed me to say they will be bringing new flavours out soon that they reckon shall surpass the cherry though!
Myprotein have not let me down once in the three years I've used them, but even I must admit I'm going off them massively as of late

Offering Blu-Rays with orders over £50, games with orders over £70?! Wtf is this? I want supps to exercise, not an excuse to sit on the sofa and veg out
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