Supplements the debate/discussion thread
ZMA 100 Tabs £14.99
Vitamin B-6 22.5mg
Magnesium 675mg
Zinc 45 mg

Omega 3's 100 £7.99
1000mg softgel
330mg EPA 220mg DHA

Best IMO

Agreed. Although they haven't got any protein at the moment - they are scoping out new protein sources owing to the price changes, and because they look for high quality they're not just going with anything. I hope they'll find a supplier soon as my yearly 2.5kg is starting to get low!

I do like BSD's quality - but I will give TPW a go when i've run out.
Might as well get 1000 Super Omega 3 (200 days worth @ 5 a day) and 300 ZMA (300 days worth) then, might grab that ADAM Superior as insurance from Powerbody when I get Xtend off there... cool beans.

Tempted to try Rhodiola as well just... is Biotest the one to get?
No idea mate - never tried that brand, and 15% is hard to believe - I think 4% is far more realistic. I just prefer it in caps, as powder tastes unpleasant.

5 a day though? Super O3s you only really need to take 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening with food - no point in taking them on an empty stomach, unless you already eat a lot of oily fish - for example I seldom take them in the morning as I usually have mackerel for brekkie.
I think the guys that do the ADAM multi-vit do a Rhodiola supp too, might have a look at that. Need to read the conclusions from the clinical studies about what % is effective - i.e. are Biotest just willy-waving and charge more when it won't make any difference.

I hardly ever eat fish and budget about 5g worth of my fat intake per day with Omega 3 (although obviously x5 1g caps isn't a full 5g's worth of fat)... doesn't seem to hurt and it's an easy figure to work into my macros totals (i.e. on workout days fat intake is 35g so I take my O3 and call it 30g).
Can anyone recommend a good pre-workout drink that doesnt contain DMAA.

I've tried 3 different makes, Jack3d (original), Rampage and now currently using supercharged.

Now in terms of there effectiveness they are all very good in getting me mentally and physically pumped and also in keeping fatique at bay (longer workouts)

However the 'comedown' or 'crash' off these supplements isnt too pleasant with the main downside being a complete loss of appetite, usually I like to finish a work out then eat a nice big meal but when using the above I just have no appetite and it's a real struggle to get food down.

A quick use of google has shown that DMAA (1,3-dimethylamylamine) which is the main active ingredient in these pre workout drinks can cause loss of appetite as a side effect and is used by some people as a means of weight loss (do not want!). there another solution...a DMAA free solution? I like my workouts hard and long :o:D:p
DMAA has been banned, from being sold in the UK.

I like craze, as do many on here.

Has it now??

I knew it was banned in a few countries but not here.

Perhaps I should let my local nutrition store know as they are still selling the stuff.

Thanks guys, I'll try craze :)
Hi guys looking for a some good Multi Vitamins and some Fish Oils but MP seem to be out of Alpha Man and Omega 3

can anyone recommend some alternatives
Has it now??

I knew it was banned in a few countries but not here.

Perhaps I should let my local nutrition store know as they are still selling the stuff.

Thanks guys, I'll try craze :)

Pretty sure they were allowed to sell off old stock.
Finally tasted some Chocolate Oneon Whey Protein Max and it's actually not as bad as I expected it to be!
Anyone know what size the scoops are that come with protein works?
I always thought it was thirty grams.


Just received 2 kg of above which you can have made online.

I eat hardly any carbs at all and struggling so decided to get some through my shakes.

Have to agree with captain cherry bakewell tastes soo much more better than lemon shortcake.
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