Supplements the debate/discussion thread

Can't fault TPW, my mate did an order last week, forgot to put in my code. Dropped them a line yesterday via a ticket, told them what happened, they just added 500 points to my account :D

If anyone's interested, it's PG6061 *shameless plug*
I've used spirulina powder in the past, tastes like a stagnant pond smells and almost had me brining up my breakfast on more than one occasion.
I've got no idea if it did any good because I couldn't be arsed with it for long enough.
Has anyone made their own blend with TPW?

Seem's pretty cool and a good way to make an all in one shake?


What are peoples thoughts on the ingredients in that? Seems to cover a lot of bases.

As a post work out shake I would just add a banana, some berries and 5g of creatine.

Run the math to find out the serving of L-Glutamine/L-Leucine per serving. Workout the quantity required and then see if just buying a whey concentrate and adding said ingredients yourself is cheaper, mostly likely it will be for just a glutamine/leucine mix.
Could anyone tell me what would be myprotien or tpws equivalent of ON Gold Standard Whey.

I ask because I've sampled the ON stuff from a friend and it tastes and mixes brilliantly and I don't feel any bloat that I often get from my Impact whey.

I don't like the price of the stuff much (works out 55p over about 28p per serving of impact whey), but it really is very good.

I'm guessing it's in line with True Whey from my protein?
Nah, Gold Standard whey is no different to the TPW whey or MyProtein whey. It's just a mix of isolates and some hydrolysed whey, and maybe some added glutamine. But really, it's not worth the price premium for that alone. With TPWs flavours, it's not even worth buying for the taste anymore. The time in minutes difference it will be between absorption times really isn't necessary

True Whey has some isolate in it, but it's mostly concentrate or higher concentrate whey, again not worth the premium. Its main selling point is the enzymes in it to aid digestion, but again, do you really need that?

Stick with TPW whey, honestly. From someone who used to buy all the branded products and get suckered into it, you soon learn that they aren't much different to the the supposed "unbranded" products.

If you do go for TPW, use TS6642 for a 250g freebie so you can try another flavour
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Thanks for reply.

I've always just used unflavoured impact whey from my protein really. For the speed it takes me to down it I don't really care about the taste. Just when I tried Gold Standard it mixed noticeably smoother and was very light on me.

I'm drawn to it as it might actually make me look forward to a shake, instead of just seeing mine as a necessity.

But at 90 for 4.5kg with a free tshirt I think it's too much.

Was hoping I could justify it if myprotien equivalent was similar price lol
Gold Standard Whey is very good in terms of taste, but I genuinely prefer TPWs flavours. And as for mixing, I've never experienced any issues. Enough water in, quick shake and it's perfect

Cherry Bakewell whey is the best tasting whey I've ever tried :) well, other than this stuff, those are just unbelievable, but also expensive just for a flavour :p
Jacob@TPW reviews of Whey Concentrate said:
noticeable reduction in the affects of DOMS and have put on 2kg of muscle mass in 9 days

Jacob@TPW reviews of Whey Concentrate said:
noticeable reduction in the affects of DOMS and have put on 2kg of muscle mass in 9 days

Jacob@TPW reviews of Whey Concentrate said:
noticeable reduction in the affects of DOMS and have put on 2kg of muscle mass in 9 days

Jacob@TPW reviews of Whey Concentrate said:
have put on 2kg of muscle mass in 9 days


:edit: More gutted than I feel I should be over the fact that I missed the buy one get one half price offer :(
I've not really rated TPW's flavours, they're not bad (Cherry Bakewell, Butterscotch Ripple) but haven't been blown away by them.

Price will be the deciding factor for my next bulk order and I'm sure that each one will price match the other, so it'll come back around to flavour :p
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