Don't know why I'm bothering posting on this but still.
One of the takeaways from the Alpha Audio testing is low inductance is important. Kimber 8PR has a series inductance of 0.12uH / meter, the 4VS I use is 0.25uH / meter. Regular multistrand copper cable is around 1.0 to 1.5uH / meter.
I did another video, this is with only a Nokia X10, smart phones never pick up correctly what's in the room, so any difference you hear is far greater.
Below is 4mm DCSK, single run with metal jumpers in place
Below is bi-wiring with a double run of Kimber 4VS. Both these videos are streaming on a HTPC from Amazon music.
The picture below is how that speaker is wired in video above. Using identical cable and length to bi-wire no phase issues are introduced. The banana plugs are Nakamichi Ultimate and cleaned with DeoxIT D5S-6 before fitting.
The following is single run of Kimber Kable but replacing the metal jumpers with Kimber jumpers. The Kimber jumpers are an upgrade over the factory metal jumpers, however in the end the bi-wiring above was better.
People say bi-wiring makes no difference but it's not true. Steve Guttenberg reviewed the F500 that is the bookshelf version of the F502, and he said the F500 was better on bi-wire. I've linked the youtube video where he mentions this.