I've been waiting months for this game and I'm a bit disappointed to be honest.
- Graphics are good
- Animations are good
- Crafting system is nice, but a bit lacking at the moment.
- Mutants look cool and are dangerous in groups.
- Melee combat is fun, really feel like you are hitting them.
- You can't save the game - I assume this will be fixed asap.
- Cliffs are the biggest killer. Try and walk down some hills (that you could easily do irl) and you'll fall and die.
- No keybinds or quick slots to quickly switch between items.
- Mutants are to be feared, but only because they take about 20 hits with an axe to knock them down then another 5 hits when they are on the floor to kill.
- A lot of buggy areas. Clipping through floors, fish floating in the middle of the land. Big holes in the world.
- Water is bugged, you walk along the floor of lakes. You can also see straight through water, as if it's not there.
- No collision with lots of stuff. Your axe goes straight through a lot of objects.
- The only cave entrance I can find is the one you end up in (not spoiling anything).
- I ended up clipping through cave walls several times, then as I got deeper I went under water, despite it being in the middle of a cave and couldn't go any further.
- The world is not big enough. A lot of empty space. Played for about 2 hours and I know the map fairly well. I kept stumbling across things I'd seen before, quickly ran out of new things.
I know it's only early access, but I was hoping to be able to sit down and play all evening/night, but that's just not the case at the moment.
It has potential, but needs another few months of development.