Sycamore Gap tree at Hadrian's Wall 'felled overnight'

Amazing how a single felled tree and a narcotic taking man deliberately employed for his contentious opinions by a TV station known for promoting their contentious views across the board, and by his making some of them known to some dreadful bimbo has made such deep inroads into the recent national news.

There must be some other stuff happening, but I have no doubt missed it in the midst of this doubtlessly very warranted hiatus ;)

I assume peace and tranquillity are reigning across the UK otherwise? <LOL>
Is there a yougov survey to know what percerntage of the population had heard of the tree prior to this week - general sherman is more well known ?
or, hadn't realised it was not a myth, General Oak, where robin shot the arrow
Is there a yougov survey to know what percerntage of the population had heard of the tree prior to this week - general sherman is more well known ?
or, hadn't realised it was not a myth, General Oak, where robin shot the arrow
Is that different to the Major Oak in Sherwood Forest? That the one I would call the most known tree I know.
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