Tabletop Warhammer?

i've used fairy power spray on my plastic models, works a treat, just give the models a soak for a few hours and then scrub the paint off with a toothbrush (somewhere you don't mind getting paint flicks!)
Ive used Dettol on about 20 plastic models, works fine, i usually leave them in for about 24 hours then toothbrush off the paint, works great :D
Thanks for the replies folks, I'll get some of the Fairy power spray tonight.

One tip with Dettol - less is more. I had metal models soaking for around 12 hours or so and the paint peeled off in nice big lumps.

Yesterday I forgot about ones I had stripping and left them in there for 36 hours, by that point the paint had melted so much it became sticky and was a nightmare to get off, I ruined a couple of toothbrushes with it as well.
IIRC FW resin done in several of the common cleaners comes out a little "soft" if left too long.
Younger brother left some bits from one of his FW models in a cleaner he'd been using in the past for several hours longer than normal, and it took days for it to dry properly.
Right, I've done it. Back into the Hobby! Except this time its cheap, since I have such an huge number of LOTR models to paint! Been grabbing the odd couple off Ebay- second hand prices for it on there have fell a lot in the past few years!

Grabbed some Dettol, test it out soon enough.

The main thing I'm waiting on now is a load of paints to arrive, hopefully tomorrow, so I can spend easter painting and enjoying the weather! I've gone for Vallejo for them all, except the metals, which I've got the GW ones.
Right, I've done it. Back into the Hobby! Except this time its cheap, since I have such an huge number of LOTR models to paint! Been grabbing the odd couple off Ebay- second hand prices for it on there have fell a lot in the past few years!

yeah, had some luck on there myself this last week, snagged the full 91 battle games in middle earth mags (including specials and binders, sans models unfortunately) for the paltry price for £45 including P&P (50p per issue!) just won a haldir, radagast the brown and a oop legolas model (all unpainted), for less that £3 per model, bargains!
yeah, had some luck on there myself this last week, snagged the full 91 battle games in middle earth mags (including specials and binders, sans models unfortunately) for the paltry price for £45 including P&P (50p per issue!) just won a haldir, radagast the brown and a oop legolas model (all unpainted), for less that £3 per model, bargains!

Some very good wins there!

Tbh, going on the LOTR Ebay section with £50-£100, you could walk away with perhaps two 'armies', since there are so many selling in bulk! It is easily the cheapest of the 3 core games to get into :p
Some very good wins there!

Tbh, going on the LOTR Ebay section with £50-£100, you could walk away with perhaps two 'armies', since there are so many selling in bulk! It is easily the cheapest of the 3 core games to get into :p

and the best as far as i'm concerned, heck grab a WoTR rulebook while you're at it and you can play two entirely different games for the price of one.
Ah the heady whiff of poly cement, next you'll be getting acquainted with the joys of the undercoat...

I've not managed any work on my stuff for a couple of days, I'm hoping to get out to the Garage Tomorrow/Today to do some airbrush work on the ones I undercoated the other day.
I suspect it'll take about an hour or less to do the black on the models that need it sprayed on.
well i'm off to town after my driving lesson today, going to pick up some lotr for me and my dad to have a bash with, i forced him to read the rules (it's his fault i'm in to this stuff anyway!).


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