Tabletop Warhammer?

Game 1 is over and the Living Metal warriors overcame the Tyranid Horde in a Dawn of War Annihilation game. I'll do a little battle report with a few shots.
I got murdered, he didn't overcome me. He bent me over and ****** my little Nids senseless!

Wasn't even remotely close :p

Lesson one for me is, read the rule book! :p
Eep! That could be nasty indeed. :p

I'd like to get a game in with someone mid-week, but I'm not sure I'll be able to free up the time until Friday, sadly. :(
lol... Not looking forward to any of my matches as I'm expecting to get royally bummed...

I suggest we make a completely separate thread for the League either going forward from now or from season 2 onwards just to make it easier to get all the info and follow whats going on easier.
Shamikebab's Necrons vs No1newts' Tyranids – 1500pts

The mission was Annihilation with a Dawn of War battle deployment. Each army is allowed to deploy 2 troop choices and 1 HQ in their half of the table, the rest of the units moving on from the table edge on first turn. I won the roll and decided to let Newts go first. He deployed 2 Hormagaunt units along with The Swarmlord and his Tyrant Guard as far forward as they could. The Necrons chose to stay off the board, with both Warrior squads staying in reserve.

Turn 1:

The Tyranids all moved on the board, everything moving then running towards the soon to arrive Necrons.


The Necron vehicles advanced on, preparing to fire on the advanced Hormagaunt units. The Wraiths moved into the trees and the Scarabs and Overlord took cover behind the Manifactorum. The Annihilation Barges opened up on the Hormagaunts, the tesla fire whittling away the numbers.


Turn 2:

The tyranids continued to advance as fast as possible, the tyrannofex spotted one of the annihilation barges, fortunately for me it was in cover and I managed to make my cover save! (I had completely forgotten about my Solar Pulse which would have mean the Tyrannofex couldn't see.

One of the warrior squads in it's Ghost Ark joined the Annihilation Barges in the centre. The Annihilation barges all remained stationary so they could fire all weapons, the scarabs continued moving round the Manafactorum. The Annihilation barges gunfire lived up to it's name. When the smoke cleared the 3 barges and the Ghost Ark had destroyed one Hormagaunt squad and left the other with just 2 creatures! They were still within synapse range and held their ground.

Turn 3:

Again the Tyranids advanced, despite their heavy casualties. The Swarmlord was finally in range to assault, he promptly charged the Annhilation Barge on the right and wrecked it with ease.

The Necron vehicles moved away from the rampant Swarmlord, putting as much clear ground between them as they could. The second warrior squad turned up in it's Ghost Ark. The scarabs and Wraths moved in front of the vehicle line to intercept the charge next turn. The vehicles again opened fire, destroying another Hormagaunt squad and wounding one of the Warriors. The Ghost Ark finished off the last 2 members of the Hormagaunt squad near the Swarmlord. In the assault phase the Scarabs assaulted the Tyrannofex, seeking to tie it up for a few turns. They only wounded on a 6 and the Tyrannofex easily saved the few wounds with it's 2+ armour. Amazingly in return it failed to kill a single Scarab!


Turn 4:

The final Hormagaunt squad moved in to charge the wraiths. The Tyranid Warriors shot at the wraiths but the lithe creatures avoided most of the gunfire. In the assault phase the Hormagaunts (hampered by the Wraith's whip coils) only inflicted 1 wound and lost 8 in return. Again Synpase meant they fought on. The Scarabs once again failed to wound the Tyrannofex and in return the hulking beast stomped one base.


The Necron gun fire was limited by lack of targets (1st world problems :P) The Overlord finally decided to join the battle, sweeping over the Tyranid Warriors with his Barge, killing one and wounding another. Most vehicles concentrated on the exposed Tyranid Warriors, annihilating them. One Ghost Ark shot at the Swarm Lord and bodyguard but failed to wound. In the assault phase the wraiths finished of the final Hormagaunts, losing one in return. The Scarabs finally wounded the Tyrannofex! (Their special ability meant the huge beast now had no armour!) In return it crushed a few more.

At this point No1newts conceded.


Final Score:

Necrons - 5
Tyranids - 1

lol... Not looking forward to any of my matches as I'm expecting to get royally bummed...

Only way to improve is facing challenges :)

I suggest we make a completely separate thread for the League either going forward from now or from season 2 onwards just to make it easier to get all the info and follow whats going on easier.

Yeah I agree, would be much easier to just keep an OP updated with tables and stuff.
Shamikebab's Necrons vs No1newts' Tyranids – 1500pts

The mission was Annihilation with a Dawn of War battle deployment. Each army is allowed to deploy 2 troop choices and 1 HQ in their half of the table, the rest of the units moving on from the table edge on first turn. I won the roll and decided to let Newts go first. He deployed 2 Hormagaunt units along with The Swarmlord and his Tyrant Guard as far forward as they could. The Necrons chose to stay off the board, with both Warrior squads staying in reserve.

Turn 1:

The Tyranids all moved on the board, everything moving then running towards the soon to arrive Necrons.


The Necron vehicles advanced on, preparing to fire on the advanced Hormagaunt units. The Wraiths moved into the trees and the Scarabs and Overlord took cover behind the Manifactorum. The Annihilation Barges opened up on the Hormagaunts, the tesla fire whittling away the numbers.


Turn 2:

The tyranids continued to advance as fast as possible, the tyrannofex spotted one of the annihilation barges, fortunately for me it was in cover and I managed to make my cover save! (I had completely forgotten about my Solar Pulse which would have mean the Tyrannofex couldn't see.

One of the warrior squads in it's Ghost Ark joined the Annihilation Barges in the centre. The Annihilation barges all remained stationary so they could fire all weapons, the scarabs continued moving round the Manafactorum. The Annihilation barges gunfire lived up to it's name. When the smoke cleared the 3 barges and the Ghost Ark had destroyed one Hormagaunt squad and left the other with just 2 creatures! They were still within synapse range and held their ground.

Turn 3:

Again the Tyranids advanced, despite their heavy casualties. The Swarmlord was finally in range to assault, he promptly charged the Annhilation Barge on the right and wrecked it with ease.

The Necron vehicles moved away from the rampant Swarmlord, putting as much clear ground between them as they could. The second warrior squad turned up in it's Ghost Ark. The scarabs and Wraths moved in front of the vehicle line to intercept the charge next turn. The vehicles again opened fire, destroying another Hormagaunt squad and wounding one of the Warriors. The Ghost Ark finished off the last 2 members of the Hormagaunt squad near the Swarmlord. In the assault phase the Scarabs assaulted the Tyrannofex, seeking to tie it up for a few turns. They only wounded on a 6 and the Tyrannofex easily saved the few wounds with it's 2+ armour. Amazingly in return it failed to kill a single Scarab!


Turn 4:

The final Hormagaunt squad moved in to charge the wraiths. The Tyranid Warriors shot at the wraiths but the lithe creatures avoided most of the gunfire. In the assault phase the Hormagaunts (hampered by the Wraith's whip coils) only inflicted 1 wound and lost 8 in return. Again Synpase meant they fought on. The Scarabs once again failed to wound the Tyrannofex and in return the hulking beast stomped one base.


The Necron gun fire was limited by lack of targets (1st world problems :P) The Overlord finally decided to join the battle, sweeping over the Tyranid Warriors with his Barge, killing one and wounding another. Most vehicles concentrated on the exposed Tyranid Warriors, annihilating them. One Ghost Ark shot at the Swarm Lord and bodyguard but failed to wound. In the assault phase the wraiths finished of the final Hormagaunts, losing one in return. The Scarabs finally wounded the Tyrannofex! (Their special ability meant the huge beast now had no armour!) In return it crushed a few more.

At this point No1newts conceded.


Final Score:

Necrons - 5
Tyranids - 1


I think I made 3 main mistakes which bummed me.

1) Didn't read the rules re. Infiltration. My stealers could have took stuff out easy but I was running them the length of the battle.

2) I was too aggressive with my Tyrannofex. Was much too high and got bogged in combat with the scarabs, if I had sat back could have picked off his vehicles.

3) Took the bait with my Swarmlord and charged his vehicle in the corner, easy kill but took him out the battle after that.

The above and some insanely bad rolling at times (my running rolls were pretty much exclusively 1-2) with perhaps the most indicitive of that being my Fex killing one scarab mob in 4 combat rounds (12 attacks) despite 4 to hit and 2 to wound with no save.

Lessons learned though :)

Good game Shami, rest of you guys get paired up so we can get round 1 done!
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