Tabletop Warhammer?

I'm up for a game later in the week (I like to prepare :p) but I don't want to get to far ahead of people!

You mean research into what you have that can WTFPWN your opponents army...

PFFT i'm going in blind and winging it :)

I can do Tues and Wed eve

Either should be fine with me :)

Think we are best waiting for the rest of round 1 and try it like that.

Just my opinion though :p

Bah I want my Rematch :P
I'll post a pic of the notes I made for the game last night this evening :D

Going prepared is Cheating.....In my But seriously, I have no idea about Necrons so will have to take a look. I also noticed you uploaded my army as an OSD (mac) file... cant seem to open it..... Will look at making a HTML again later tonight and sending it your way.
Going prepared is Cheating.....In my But seriously, I have no idea about Necrons so will have to take a look. I also noticed you uploaded my army as an OSD (mac) file... cant seem to open it..... Will look at making a HTML again later tonight and sending it your way.

OSD isn't Mac :p It's open source document. I didn't realise Excel can't open them :/ Libreoffice and OpenOffice both can.
I can make Friday night bout 7 lol if you want, just need to brush up on rules as I'm not 100% lol is there a summary sheet we can have access to?
Ive seen a few of them flying around on the net, Will have to see If I can get hold of the one I was looking at the other day as it was ace. Had a Before game starts sheet etc
I've just relised my jet bikes don't have the weapon that damages when I fly over troops :(

Reavers come with Bladevanes by default, so you do get to damage troops when you fly over, however it's only D3 S4 attacks as opposed to D6 S6 attacks that you get with the Cluster Caltrops.

I'm up for Friday at 7ish. Dark Eldar vs. Dark Eldar should be interesting if nothing else. :p
Ah well I suppose its better than nothing ha-ha well I was thinking that the only trouble I have is keeping track of the pain tokens! Last game I also forgot to roll for combat drugs lol
Ah well I suppose its better than nothing ha-ha well I was thinking that the only trouble I have is keeping track of the pain tokens! Last game I also forgot to roll for combat drugs lol

You could probably use the Model Information field in the context menu, or maybe find a couple of suitable objects in Vassal that you can just move around with the squads for an on-screen reference. I was originally going to just keep them written down on a notepad but that doesn't seem like the best option for the opponent to be able to keep track.
Yeah, there are a few tokens in the models menu you could use. For a DE vs DE game though I might put it in Model information. Otherwise it could get confusing :p
I suppose you could put them down as wounds in vassal and put it at which level they are at for troops lol but anyone who has more than one wound you will need that to keep track of them.
Yeah, there are a few tokens in the models menu you could use. For a DE vs DE game though I might put it in Model information. Otherwise it could get confusing :p

Don't forget one of you will need to change your base colour or that cold get confusing as well.....

Was that my unit?
No its mine..
You sure?

I tried that, the above battle report being the result :p

I've gone with a fair amount of pew pew this time... quite worried about CC, although all my units should be average at CC.
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