Tabletop Warhammer?

Ahh just seen island of blood so cheap could flog the high elves and get most back :/

After DV im going to try and persuade the GF that she does want to start a high elves army because I want Island of blood too :P

Remember recently my local Hobby Craft where getting rid of old 40k stock and had the black reach box set for £40, that was very tempting, they where also selling paints for like £1.50 a pot.
Indeed, Prices as a whole aren't bad on there. I was eyeing up some Plague Marines and Typhus last night as well as some Plague Beareres and Plague drones... Gf Caught me so quickly closed it down haha.

Ill stick to admiring the new Chaos Daemons in This months White Dwarf.
I bought some aswell! I should really finish off my list of painting before buying other modles, I promis I wont open them until I have everything else done!

Get a Trukk!
Get a truck and bikers :p
I have a large paint list to get through now. :/ 40 storm vermin are going to be a challenge. The test models look great but 40 of them. Is going to take a while.

Am I the only one with fantasy stuff? :(
I wish vassal had a fantasy mod
Get a truck and bikers :p
I have a large paint list to get through now. :/ 40 storm vermin are going to be a challenge. The test models look great but 40 of them. Is going to take a while.

Am I the only one with fantasy stuff? :(
I wish vassal had a fantasy mod

If they did a Fantasy Mod I would give that ago! I have looked before but couldnt find anything so far. Isnt it community made though?
Yep the people that did 40k vassal started one but ot was never finished :( which is a same as the block units could be really good on the system.
Get a truck and bikers :p
I have a large paint list to get through now. :/ 40 storm vermin are going to be a challenge. The test models look great but 40 of them. Is going to take a while.

Am I the only one with fantasy stuff? :(
I wish vassal had a fantasy mod

I might as well get an ork battleforce as that comes with 20 boyz, trukk and 3 warbikers.

I would like a battlewagon too... no, must not spend any more :o

I used to love fantasy. I preferred it to 40k. I used to have a shed load of high elves, wood elves, dwarves, bretonnians and empire but I gave them away :(:mad:
Fantasy is where it is at. Working my way through a bag full of Brettonians Knights of the Realm for a commission. 18 horses completed. Just need to do the riders and bases and then I can start on the 2nd half of the bag! :(
They are :p

I never tried fantasy for several important reasons:

1. Too many models generally
2. I try and avoid painting skin
3. Same as point 2 but with horses and said with more urgency.
4. I prefer the 40k model range
Was going to say... read the first part and paniced as last game I played on Thursday destroyed me for work on Friday >.<

Going over units tonight to see what I want to pit against what in your Army :)

Coming to watch again Shami?
There seem to be some rather amusing moments in every game so it has to be worth it just for them

I keep eyeing up Airbrushes and Models... MUST STOP!
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