Shamikebab's Necrons vs Brabbinho's Imperial Guard – 1500pts
The mission was Take and Hold with a Spearhead deployment. I won the roll and chose the bottom left quarter, taking the watchtower as my objective. Brabbinho chose a building in the top right.
I deployed my Ghost Arks behind the hill, the Wraiths and Scarabs on the right flank to use the cover while my vehicles remained in the cover of the fortress in the centre of the map. Brabbinho outflanked his flyers while everything else deployed in a firebase amongst the cover.
Turn 1:
The barges all advanced while the scarabs moved over to the left flank in support. The Wraiths moved along the wall. One Ghost ark remained overseeing the objective while the other advanced.
The Cryptek used some advanced technology and blinding light cause the Guard to shield their eyes (I used my Solar Flare to cause Night Fighting) The Leman Russ on the left moved and shot at Anrakyr but the shell scattered and missed. The second Leman Russ tried to shoot at the Barge on the right but the blinding flare caused him to miss.
Turn 2:
Anrakyr swept over the Leman Russ, shaking the crew. He then used his mysterious abilities to cause the tank to fire on it's guardsmen! Only one was killed though. One Barge opened fire on the large unit in the middle, killing three.
Marbo and the flyers all showed up, flanking the Necron advance. The Valkyrie shot a missile at the rear armour of the Annihilation Barge in front of it, immobilising the skimmer. The Veterans disembarked and shot their meltaguns at the Ghost Ark near the objective but the hill shielded the ark from harm. The Vendetta shot at another Annihilation Barge, shaking the crew. (I forgot about the Living Metal rule that let's me try and ignore shaken results!) The central Leman Russ opened fire on the larger unit of scarabs, wiping them out completely! (Swarms are very vulnerable to blasts, taking two wounds for every wound. Couple that with each hit being strength 8 and Instant Death and ouchy!) Then came the big moment. Marbo appeared near the three barges and threw his demo charge at point blank range! It scattered, missed all three Necron vehicles and instant killed Marbo
Turn 3:
The Necrons were wounded but that just made them angry (well in a matter of speaking, they're emotionally void machines so not so much.) Anrakyr slashed at the Leman Russ again and yet again shook the crew (Hey, it's scary having a millennia old Space Zombie on a surfboard slashing at you with a huge scythe) The two Barge's on the left shot at the large Guard squad and started to kill them off, better yet the Tesla Arced to two other squad, killing the Heavy weapon team! The Wraiths charged the Vendetta and tore it apart with their Rending Claws. The Scarabs charged the Valkyrie and....ate it. (Brabbinho admitted he hadn't really looked at Scarabs rules, I think a lot of people have made that mistake this tournament!) The Ghost Ark moved out from behind the hill and the Warriors disembarked. In a hail of Gauss fire only 3 veterans remained, they quickly turned and ran.
The mortars and Veterans shot at the Wraiths, killing two of them (Meltaguns instant death...) The Leman Russ both shot at Barges but failed to damage them. (we both had very tough vehicles that weren't designed for killing vehicles, Leman Russ need a direct hit really and Barge's would only be able to glance side armour on a 6!)
Turn 4:
The Warriors finished off the fleeing Veterans. Anrakyr continued to fail to destroy a tank with rear armour 10 with his strength 7 Warscythe! With a sigh he threw his one shot Strength 10 Tachyon arrow and the Leman Russ finally blew up. The Barge's continued to pour Tesla fire into the central squad. The Wraiths then charged the Veterans, killing two but taking one wound in return.
The Guard were fast running out of anti tank firepower, only the meltaguns stuck in combat and the Leman Russ remaining. The tank again failed to damage the Barge firing on the central squad. The Veterans killed a Wraith and the Wraiths only managed to kill a single Veteran in return!
Turn 5:
Anrakyr sped towards the objective to contest it (in case the game ended this turn) decapitating a few guardsmen on the way (sorry little Johnny, daddy isn't coming home) Two annihilation barge's and the Ghost Ark full of Warriors opened fire on the rapidly dwindling Guard squad in the centre and killed them all. The Wraiths killed another Veteran but amazingly lost another Wraith in return!
Leman Russ shot and missed...again. Wraiths killed two more Veterans but left both Wraiths on one wound.
Turn 6:
The Gauss flayers of the Warriors and Ark opened fire on the Leman Russ (Gauss always glances on a 6) and destroyed the Battle Cannon and Immobilized the vehicle. The Crypetk destroyed the Heavy bolter. The Barge shot at the side armour and glanced twice, finally wrecking the second tank. The Wraiths killed another Veteran but lost another Wraith.
The command squad charged the Wraiths from the rear and killed the final machine!
Turn 7
Not a lot happened, nothing could hurt Anrakyr contesting the objective, the mortars killed a Scarab base.
Final Score:
Shamikebab – 1
Brabbinho – 0
5th edition rules really hurt vehicles shooting at vehicles with blast templates. If the centre of the marker isn't over the vehcile after scatter then it counts as half strength (This has changed in 6th) so while the Leman Russ have been devastating against troops they are very unlikely to damage a vehicle (basically no scatter and then rolling a 6 to penetrate) Brabbinho was a touch unlucky with his Outflanking, while they did penetrate twice, they only shook and immobilized two vehicles. Doing this left them exposed to two of my strongest units who easily destroyed them next turn.
The one real shock was the Wraiths. I think it's fair to say they've been the star of the tournament for me, racking up an impressive kill list including a squad of Hormagaunts, a Raider, half a squad of Kabalite warriors, a squad of Incubi, a squad of Reavers, a full squad of Kabalite Warriors, Urien Rakarth and 3 Grotesques, another half a Kabalite squad, a unit of Plague Marines, a unit of Plague Bearers, a unit of Havocs and Typhus, The Herald of Nurgle!
Yet they then lose a combat against a squad of Imperial Guard Veterans! Suddenly the dice turned against me and not only could I barely hit them (4 to hit 2 to wound, yet 24 attacks killed 2...) but suddenly I couldn't pass a 3+ save at all! Oh well it was very amusing to watch and it just goes to show that the best laid plans are always at the mercy of the dice
It was also hilarious seeing Marbo finally kill himself with his own demo charge