Tabletop Warhammer?


I tried to keep things marginally on topic, But i suppose on these forums its night impossible :P
I never got into 40k

I really liked the original though

I had a Orc & Goblin army (dad normally played as these)
and The Knights of Bretonnia (which i was)

My green knight used to win or lose the battle, if he died the army seemed to fall to peices :(

Its amazing what you remember as this was like 15 years ago? my armies were stolen when the car got nicked as they were in the boot :(

never rebuilt after that. the cost of the armies were worth more than that damn car :/
Got a few armies for 40k, Dark Angels being my main one. Also have a fair bit of warhamer fantasy (tomb kings & bretonnians) & lots of the old specialist games stuff.

Also still have & play warhammer quest & space hulk.
I collected Ultramarines about 12 years ago when I were a wee boy, but last summer my lil bro started to get into it, I think mainly because of the DoW games, and he started to collect a Tau army. I decided to dig mine out and learn how to actually play the game properly. I really enjoy the customization and painting, but the game is fun too, just takes quite a long time.

I haven't done it since xmas though, being in my final year at uni I haven't found the time. I would like to go to my local GW though and find people to play with besides my brother, who is currently miles away back home.
Was going to post saying something a long the lines of "what a bunch of nerds". Then I realised I was posting on an internet PC enthusiasts forum. Then I remembered I used to play Warhammer. :(
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Well everyone knows original is cooler that 40k as round bases are n00b... (or something equally out dated)

Its been 8 years since I used to play (started meeting girls and its not a good chat up line) and my mum eventually threw it all away by accident, which is a shame as there was 8 of us who used to play back in the day every friday evening for a few years.

Used to have 5000pt army of goblins, giants and war machines!! :D mainly as the old 5th and 6th edition rules really couldn't cope with my fairly single minded approach of give everyone spears and run in very very large units...

Shame they have ruined the game with over pricing too... (and never recreated the chaos dwarves as they were brilliant)

Nice colour scheme though, it can get hard to keep one going through out the whole army (mine always went multi-coloured after a little while, even with night elves) but the best bit it always making and painting it all
I got back into Warhammer a few years back after some friends starting arranging a weekend of gaming instead of going to LAN's.

I've currently got about 1500-2000 points of Tau painted, with another 9 Crisis suits, a broadside suit, 20 gun drones and 8 shield drones about ready to go under the airbrush (does base coats on huge numbers of models in a couple of hours).

Before they go out though I've got to prep some stealth suits and a pair of Remora gun drones :)

I've also got about 1200 points of Daemons of Chaos painted (40k, about 1000 usable in Fantasy), with a few bits that need to be done.

Then there is the Empire army I bought about 3 years ago but haven't got round to painting yet - the thought of the many dozens of rank and file troops put me off :p - I'm going to do most of them with the AB for bulk work I think, and just touch up the bits that need it by hand.
I have a habbit of only painting the front rank of a unit to any decent standard. the rest are done as quick as possible tbh.
I've got probs 3kish points of Empire and 2kish of Space Marines lying around in the garage at home, fully intend to get back in to it when I'm at home doing nowt :)
I've always wanted to, as i enjoy the playing of the game. But sadly i cant get on with the hobby part, putting the pieces together is no worries, but i really suck at the painting. Also yes the 'fro is ace, cedric and omar would be proud im sure.
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