Tabletop Warhammer?

never ever got in to the table top game, just didn't interest me.

PC games yes.

Painting I loved purely because it was relaxing. Was contemplating getting an cheap airbrush kit to do overall spray jobs, then use brushes for the detail work.

Plus, get myself a decent macro lens or some tubes for my 50mm and take some kick ass photos :)

In fact, I think I may still have my set and my bro in law has some Tau at his mums he never touched.....
Had a fair amount of chaos space marines back in the day, about 3k points if memory serves but I think they got binned. Used to play back in my school days but they're long gone now. Much easier to play the pc games now, but I used to enjoy making and painting them as they were much more unique than your generic WWII stuff that's everywhere. Also gives you some freedom with colour scheme.

Ohhh also had a rather large lizardman army from the 4k series, much preferred the 4k over 40k.
I wish I could have afforded these when I was a kid. The game didn't interest me in the slightest, but they looked awesome and I'd have loved to paint and collect them.
I loved Warhammer and Blood Bowl back in the day! Still have a lot of figures, but keeping them for sentimental purposes.

Anyone know any dedicated forums to sell my old copies of White Dwarf on? I have quite a few perfect condition earlyish ones and it'd be a shame to throw them in the bin. I need the space now and I don't use the Bay...
I played years ago, stopped getting them when 'white metal' came out as the new prices were hillarious (near to 8 quid for Ragnar Blackmane?)

Had a decent point Eldar army, but mostly played Necromunda (Orlocks) and Quest (Priest) (Both from release dates, shows how long ago that was !)

Necromunda was great fun, lost so much time playing that round at friends houses.

Quest was also great, but I was disappointed to find it stopped. In the early 2000's when I started at a new job we spoke about starting up a group to play it, but it was near impossible to get bits for it. Real shame as IMO it was the pick of the bunch.

Edit - Just checked, Quest and Necromunda came out in 1995 !
My current list of Table top games is -

Necromunda - 6 Gangs and outlanders Box set
Warhammer Quest - 1 Add-in Box Set + 4 Extra Characters
Space Hulk
Warhammer Fantasy - 4 Armies
Epic 40k

Hardy any painted! However did teach my wife, sister and sister-in-law WHQ a few weeks ago and they loved it more than the usual Hero Quest.

Gonna wait for my son to be 5 (a few years time) to see if he likes it, if he doesnot I might sell some of WHF stuff as there is so much to set up each time, whereas WHQ and Necromunda you can set up and play in 2 hours if you want.
Used to play most Games Workshop games - quite a while ago.
One of my first Saturday jobs was working at the local GW and then when I finished school/college I worked full-time at GW just for a little while.
I was actually offered a managers position in another store - but decided I didn't want to make a career out of retail.

Because I worked for the company we got to do a trip to Head Office and buy models by weight.
None of this blister pack - we just chose all the figures we wanted, it was weighed and we were charged by that.

I had full armies for Fantasy, 40k, Epic, Blood Bowl and I paid extremely little for it :)
Did really enjoy playing, but other things became more important to me and I had to leave it all behind.
shameful wargame addict, more of a collector than a gamer though;













Used to play 40k when I was at school, many years ago now. Was building a fairly decent Catchan/Cadian Imperial Guard army with armour support. Still got lots of unpainted and half painted lead figures in the loft. There's an Eldar army up there somewhere as well.

Might get round to selling them at some point. Or you never know, I might actually finish painting them...!
I used to play a bit of Warhammer (Rogue Trader) in the 80's but I had no idea what I was doing tbh. It wasn't until 91/92 I think that I got into Space Marines/Orks and played some proper games, although I was always more about painting them. My eldest son is 10 so I could in theory get back into it and just pretend it was for him :)
and my mum eventually threw it all away by accident, which is a shame as there was 8 of us who used to play back in the day every friday evening for a few years.

This is the reason why your mum accidently threw them out! :)
I've got an ever increasing Blood Angels force, currently about 9k points in size. I'm a regular 40k player, occasionally Space Hulk and soon to make my first steps into the world of Necromunda.

The key to being able to afford it is either buying second hand or through the independent retailers that offer the stuff between 15 - 25% cheaper than through GW direct, because the prices are getting a bit daft.
How much is the paint for these? Isn't it usually more than the actual figure?

Last time I checked, it was £1.75 per pot. With the exception of black, I don't think there was any colour that I ever bought more than two of over a period of around six years. Still works out as a fair bit though.

That is for Citadel paints, mind you. You can get them from other suppliers for less, but they'll obviously different. That bothers some, not others. :)
Last time I checked, it was £1.75 per pot. With the exception of black, I don't think there was any colour that I ever bought more than two of over a period of around six years. Still works out as a fair bit though.

That is for Citadel paints, mind you. You can get them from other suppliers for less, but they'll obviously different. That bothers some, not others. :)

£2.50 or £2.75 now i think, not bought a citadel paint for ages though, usually buy vallejo now.

it's an expensive initial outlay but it last for ages, i've still got usable paints from when i started 10 or so years ago when they were £1.50!
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