Tabletop Warhammer?

Are there any books about the lore of Warhammer? Went to a mates after the Pub yesterday and had a wee go on Warhammer 40K, only played up till Mission 2 but i'm already intrigued by the story though I have no interest in paying or collecting the figures.
How do people feel about 'counts as' armies? I've had quite a good idea for a different SM chapter army based on the Space Wolves codex but with a few changes to make them more fluffy. If I wrote it and everyone ok'd it would people be alright with that? The goal isn't to make them super powerful but to end up with an army that's more fluff accurate, as such there would be pro's and con's that would keep them balanced against the other SM codex armies.
As long as it's balanced and the changes are clear, I personally don't have a problem with it.

Hello Joel

We've had a few supply issues over the past month or so.

A large delivery is coming in this week - all outstanding orders will be fulfilled once it arrives - delivery within a couple of days.

Please let us know if you would rather have a refund - if this is too late for you.

Very sorry for the delay.

Hmmm. We'll see. :p
I really want to try it with Salamanders, you can take them with SM codex but it really doesn't fit them (They don't take many Land Speeders/Bikes/Jump Packs due to the gravity on Nocturne for example)

The reason I looked at Space Wolves is Wolf Guard rules seem very similar to what I'd imagine the Fire Drakes (Salamanders 1st Company) being and Tactical squads having two special weapons fits better than a special and a heavy. Perhaps they could have an additional Heavy Support choice at the expense of a Fast Attack choice to represent their reliance on those type of units.
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As long as it's balanced and the changes are clear, I personally don't have a problem with it.

Hmmm. We'll see. :p

That's Mythreal I take it? I had the same thing from them last Tuesday.

"A customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #881342 with the following response:

We've had a few supply issues over the past month or so.

A large delivery is coming in the next 48 hours - all outstanding orders will be fulfilled once it arrives - delivery within a couple of days.

Please let us know if you would rather have a refund - if this is too late for you.

Very sorry for the delay."
I emailed them this morning and got the following:

'Hello Liam

We've had a few supply issues over the past month or so.

A large delivery is coming in this week - all outstanding orders will be fulfilled once it arrives - delivery within a couple of days.

Please let us know if you would rather have a refund - if this is too late for you.

Very sorry for the delay.'


I wonder how long they'll keep fobbing us off for :confused: Has anyone ordered from them before?
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No, definitely won't be ordering from them again. Luckily I am in rush for what I have ordered. Are they another shop front for totalwargamer? My brother regularly orders from them with absolutely no problems.
Mythreal said:
Hello Stephen

The delivery arrived as planned but we were still short of a few lines.

We have another order coming in on Thursday - I will ensure that you get stock from this order - I have put you on the priority list.

Please let us know if you would rather have a refund - if this is too late for you.

We shall see.












Thats my Dark Angel Army minus an untouched Devastator Squad plus a few odd marines which haven't been finished.

Got a High Elf Army plus a couple of random figures that i quite liked the look of. Will post more images later on.
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