Tabletop Warhammer?

Very nice painting.

Strange colour scheme, what inspired it? :p

Cheers. Think about the only figures that are painted 'correctly' are the deathwing terminators! I'm pretty sure I just freestyled a bit on the painting since the standard dark angels scheme of dark green looked a bit dull. Thought I'd mix it up a bit :p





Sword still needs painted ^^




My favourite paint job on this one ^^


Surprisingly I've still got some stuff unpainted and some unfinished lying about in boxes / trays in my house. Dont even think I'll even manage to finish them at all now. They've been lying about the place for nigh on 15yrs!
Ok, Draft one of Codex Salamanders is done. I've added it to the Drop Box so if people could look through it and see what they think I'd appreciate it :)

Some things I've changed:

General army rules:
  • Promethean cult - like a mini version of Vulkan's rules (they'll get his rule if they have him in the army) so Flame and Melta weapons can re-roll to hit rolls of one.
  • We Will Never Forget - I love this one, most units (not Scouts) get Hatred (Chaos Space Marines) letting them re-roll hits in the first round of combat against CSM. This is to represent the pure hatred at the events of the Dropsite Massacre.
  • Forged in Fire - Due to the gravity on Nocturne, they favour armour over speed. Salamanders can always take one more Heavy Support choice than normal and one less Fast Attack choice

  • HQ's based on standard SM HQ units, I've renamed the Iron Halo to Salamander's Mantle to fit the Fluff. Librarian is based on Rune Priest, I haven't done the Psychic Powers yet
  • All HQ units come with Artificer armour to represent the Salamanders proficiency with crafting armour (they have more artificer and Terminator armour than any other chapter)

  • Fire Drakes based on Wolf Guard but can't leave to lead squads, can take more flame weapons than Wolf Guard but can't take Assault Cannon/Cyclone Missile Launcher
  • Iron Dragon - There is only ever one of these, this is an entirely new vehicle so feedback would be good, kind of similar to a Furioso dreadnought
  • Still thinking of one more elite option, Sternguard have been kind of merged with Firedrakes. Possibly some kind of Techmarine.

  • Scous are BS4 and WS3 to represent the rigorous selection procedure they go through. Removed some weapon options and increased their points to compensate
  • Tactical Squad - Similar to grey hunters but with no close combat weapon (so one less attack) and can now take Heavy Flamers and Multi-meltas

  • All the same but have the option to switch a Storm bolter for a Heavy Flamer if they wish

Fast attack:
  • Bikes, Land Speeders and Assault squads all basically the same but you can only have one of each in an army to represent their rarity (you can have more assault squads without jump packs if you want though) Tweaked the weapons to favour Flame and melta at the expense of other weapons
  • Prometheus Predator - New vehicle! Based on the Baal predator (fluff wise the Salamanders have a very good relationship with the Blood Angels after Armageddon) It's armed with a twin linked multi-melta and optional Heavy Flamer or Heavy bolter sponsons. Let me know what you think.

Heavy Support:
  • Dreadnoughts moved to heavy support (same as Blood Angels)
  • Devastator squad - Almost the same as Codex SM, wanted to add Heavy Flamers but can't think of a way of doing it without them becoming a lethal Drop Pod squad (which I don't want really) Will have a think on it.
  • Rest of the Heavy Support vehicles are all the same as Codex Space Marines

  • New Weapon! Forge Hammer - Like a mini Thunder Hammer, is a rending weapon at +1 Strength no armour piercing, is an option for a few squads. Same as the Corvus Hammer for Dark Angels

To Do list:

Special Characters (Vulkan, Tu-Shan, Vel'cona, Elysius)
Find another elite option
Psychic powers (got some good ideas)
Other wargear options for characters (melta bombs, auspex etc)

So...opinions? :)
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Well I put my Dread together:

Weapons, Legs, Leg Plates, Feet and Base are not glued yet, so shouldn't have a hard time painting. I seriously mire how awesome Dreads look.
I ordered from Total Wargamer over Christmas and my delivery came roughly on time. I think the problem lies in the limited orders that companies can order from GW meaning when they do these deals they get swamped and cannot cope with the orders.
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