Tabletop Warhammer?

Probably a bit in both theories tbh, Tau have been in dire need of an update, on Dark Eldar lacked further behind the Tau but I am sure this update is for the greater good.

The new 6th edition stuff is cool, people probably want to buy but when a new codex is costing £30, a troop box is £22 and flyers which are the new toys in each army are £30-£35 a pop it gets very expensive fast and all you have is a book and a model or two. It is more or less GW pricing them selves out with maybe a bit of too much demand for Tau on the side.
Dark Eldar? You mean Craftworld Eldar?

Got to feel for the poor Sisters of Battle Fans, they don't even have a codex really and their models are all metal :eek:
Dark Eldar? You mean Craftworld Eldar?

Got to feel for the poor Sisters of Battle Fans, they don't even have a codex really and their models are all metal :eek:

They tried to upgrade the SoB, but resin finecast is the work of Heresy, the sisters thought it was a trick of chaos and rejected it.
well they have finally shipped my order from mythreal yesterday so fingers crossed i get them monday/tuesday whn i am off work lol. still shocking how its been like a month and a half since i put the order in. i need to get painting again as i havent really done any in the past few weeks lol i do like the look of the new tau but i dont think much has changed really was it more for the codex tht needed the update.
Glad your order has been shipped. I wouldn't mind the wait if they had better communication, but sitting silently not knowing what's going on is pretty frustrating. I've since placed a few orders with Gifts for Geeks and they've been great, telling me what's still on order whilst shipping the rest. I think I'll probably stick to using them for model purchases and get my paints from either SnM Stuff or Models For Sale. :)

I really want to get some more Ravenwing bikes to go with the DV ones and maybe some more Deathwing (Knights, perhaps?). Plenty of work to do before then, though. :o
Well the strategy for Typhus and The Swarmlord is the same, stay the **** away from both :p

And keep moving.

And poisoned weapons are fun against both because they like their high toughness :D
Did you message them on Facebook Gooner? He said hopefully this week on Wednesday, I messaged again today saying did it go out and magically I have a dispatch notice! Be polite but firm and hopefully they'll prioritize you.

It's good to know they're not going under or anything, seems like the server problems have really hit them (I can kind of sympathize, ours went down for the whole of last week!)
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