Tabletop Warhammer?

Back from the local gaming shop with new Tau Codex, Riptide and a SunShark. Riptide #2 will be here Monday as shop owner was late and missed the UPS delivery with it in from GW :(

Busy weekend ahead and with Forgeworld Open day tomorrow it is a weekend of GW!
Ok 7:30 start JHeaton?

My army is 2002 points but seeing as it's a friendly and the codex is kind of WIP I assume you won't mind :p if not I'll just make something in the codex 2 pts cheaper
in anticipation for new stuff later this year I've taken a couple of days away from the grey knights;


Beautiful. Do you do commisions?
Brill. I think somewhere between 1pm and 3pm would be good for me, how about you?

I've also noticed a small mistake with a set of the models I primed yesterday; I forgot to apply some watered down PVA over the sand on the bases to seal it in place, instead just priming over it. Not sure how it will hold up in the long term, but maybe the primer will have been enough to hold it in place. I'm also loving the coverage of these Vallejo primers, however I do think it's much harder to get a decent coat with the grey than the black...
Just thinking of potential solutions if Brabbinho doesn't return (emailed him again with no response) He hasn't posted on OCUK since 30th March so he may have gone away?

If not then I could use his army for his final game?
+++ Baratouse's Rable (847pts) +++
+++ 1000pt Eldar 6th Ed (2006) - M8B Edition Roster (Primary Detachment)) +++


Eldar 6th Ed (2006) - M8B Edition (Primary Detachment) Selections:

+ HQ + (133pts)

    * Baratouse - Farseer (133pts) 
        (Farseer's Psychic Powers, Fleet, Independent Character, Psyker)
        Ghosthelm (Ghosthelm), Psychic: Doom (25pts) (Psychic: Doom), Psychic: Guide (20pts) (Psychic: Guide), Rune armour (Rune Armour), Runes of witnessing (10pts) (Runes of Witnessing), Shuriken pistol, Singing spear (3pts), Spirit stones (20pts) (Spirit Stones)

+ Elites + (240pts)

    * Fire Dragons (240pts) 
        * Exarch (40pts) 
            Crack Shot (5pts) (Crack Shot), Firepike (8pts), Melta bombs (Melta Bombs), Tank Hunters (15pts) (Tank Hunters)
        * 5x Fire Dragon (80pts) 
            5x Fusion gun, 5x Melta bombs (Melta Bombs)
        * Wave Serpent (120pts) 
            Shuriken cannon (10pts), Spirit stones (10pts) (Spirit Stones), Twin-linked shuriken cannons (10pts)

+ Troops + (339pts)

    * Dire Avengers (92pts) 
        * 4x Dire Avenger (48pts) 
            4x Avenger shuriken catapult
        * Exarch (44pts) 
            Bladestorm (15pts) (Bladestorm), Two avenger shuriken catapults (5pts)

    * Dire Avengers (152pts) 
        * 9x Dire Avenger (108pts) 
            9x Avenger shuriken catapult
        * Exarch (44pts) 
            Bladestorm (15pts) (Bladestorm), Two avenger shuriken catapults (5pts)

    * Guardians (95pts) 
        (Fleet, Guardian Heavy Weapon Platform)
        Scatterlaser (15pts)
        * 8x Guardian (64pts) 
            8x Shuriken catapult
        * 2x Guardian crew (16pts) 
            2x Shuriken catapult

+ Fast Attack + (135pts)

    * Vyper Squadron (65pts) 
        * Vyper (65pts) 
            Eldar missile launcher (20pts), Twin-linked shuriken catapults

    * Vyper Squadron (70pts) 
        * Vyper (70pts) 
            Starcannon (25pts), Twin-linked shuriken catapults

Got that so far for my 1K point Eldar army. Unsure what else I should be looking at...I have 150 points spare...
I wouldn't bother with Vypers personally, War Walkers are much, much better. (Especially with a Farseer Guiding them!)

I've not read 6th, but I'm sure in 5th the walkers were not as fast as my Vyper which I used to escort the Wave Serpent.

I REALLY want to include Maugan Ra and his awesome weapon, the Maugetar. Stick him in a Reapers squad with exact and Tempest...silly expensive points wise but oh so awesome on paper...
I've not read 6th, but I'm sure in 5th the walkers were not as fast as my Vyper which I used to escort the Wave Serpent.

Yeah they aren't as quick but for 60 pts you can either get a Vyper with a Scatter Laser and Shuriken Catapult or a War Walker with TWO Scatter Lasers!

And they can outflank, which is useful.
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