Tabletop Warhammer?

Thanks dude could u post a pic so I can have a look, I think tht my edging is a little to thick tbh it ain't bad for my first attempt tho lol I might try the dry brush see how tht goes lol thanks
Took some pics of a few models I painted in the mid 90's. These have been in a box, and were painted when I was like 14/15.

I have since been stripping the paint off loads of models, and I'll be selling some, and looking to repaint some, if I find the time.

Ohh GW have released the 40k rule book as an ePub or mobi file, only £20 as well! its like someone at GW has some sense! however as it is an open format I may have to aquire a copy of it later on ...
Question that's been bugging me. Is it now no longer to order "Bitz" like we used to? I can't seem to find any options for it on the website....

- GP
Question that's been bugging me. Is it now no longer to order "Bitz" like we used to? I can't seem to find any options for it on the website....

- GP

They're removed practically all of the bitz from their catalogue. You can still buy the odd thing (shoulder pads, upgrade sprues) but they have stopped the bitz. They've also changed their trade agreement so that retailers can't buy kits and break them down as bitz any more, so the only way to really get what you want is from eBay sellers. Kind of makes converting a lot more expensive. :(
Every now and then a good bitz box comes up on ebay, currently watching a few but just have to be careful on price as it seems to vary quite wildly.
I've always struggled to find bitz that I have wanted at a reasonable price on ebay. Perhaps I'm just a cheap bar steward but things like shoulder pads usually cost more than what I paid, for the models. For instance I bought 8 lead space marines (just the bodies) for £8 but was finding shoulder pads, arms and bolters costing a few quid to complete each model

Bitzbox looks like a brilliant site. Wish I knew about it before
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Ohh GW have released the 40k rule book as an ePub or mobi file, only £20 as well! its like someone at GW has some sense! however as it is an open format I may have to aquire a copy of it later on ...

You have always been able to get a "copy" of the main rule book in PDF ;)

At £20 would go with the iBooks version at £25 as the inter activeness of the codex is brilliant, my only problem with going digital is page numbers.

At the moment if I look in my CSM digital codex it will reference the main rule book and a page number, which is fine as I have that, however the digital version's are likely to have a different page numbers so it won't tally up, will be interesting to see if they address this.

Well. That's a real pain. I'm sure it's probably something to do with their move towards resin, however that's a real kick in the teeth :(

- GP

Profits. Why sell heavy weapons separately when you can sell two Devastator boxes instead!!11

GW call it kitbashing, the concept of selling an excess of miniatures to field things in the codex.
You have always been able to get a "copy" of the main rule book in PDF ;)

At £20 would go with the iBooks version at £25 as the inter activeness of the codex is brilliant, my only problem with going digital is page numbers.

Or if you have an android tablet instead of an iPad you have no choice, and I am fully aware of current pdf options however to have a copy without dodgy scanning here and there would be nice.

I suppose page numbering is an issue as it will change as you change text size, this is not something that can be addressed as mobi/ePub's are static files. In the example downloads they do have table of contents which I would assume works on an anchor basis so shifting content should not matter with those, just depends how far they bookmark it as to its actual use. However you can fully text search ebooks so you could always search for the particular rule you want.
After 2 turns I had to surrender as Shami had anihilated 80% of my force leaving me with nothing to destroy tanks with. How ever think I now have a new tactic in mind, sod deep striking and hold some shiz in reserve!
In fairness I'd only take one in lower points games, it's blooming versatile which is useful. Higher points it's easier to take dedicated units.

Already have an idea for my elites for the 2k matches :D
Profits. Why sell heavy weapons separately when you can sell two Devastator boxes instead!!11

GW call it kitbashing, the concept of selling an excess of miniatures to field things in the codex.

That part is understandable too, it's just the idea of being able to order conversion parts even excluding the cheapness side of it :(

- GP
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