Tabletop Warhammer?

Well I am no good at army building but this is what I have so far (CSM)

+ HQ
* Chaos Lord with Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Power Sword
* Daemon Prince (280pts)
Dimensional Key , Level 3, Nurgle,
Power Armour

+ Elites
* Chosen (Rhino)
* Helbrute

+ Troops
* Chaos Space Marines
* Aspiring Champion
* Marines (Heavy Bolter & Plasma Gun)

* Cultists x10
* Cultists x10
* Cultists x10

+ Fast Attack
* Chaos Bikers x3
* Warp Talons x5

+ Heavy Support
* Forgefiend

I am looking at what to do next for them, the armies that I am up against are Orks, Necrons and Nids
So went and picked up the Fortress of Redemption, Storm Raven, Land Raider and Dreadnoughts from the guy. Also came away with a drop pod. I have now realised that I have 5 Dreadnoughts...and I still want an Ironclad or 2 and a contemptor. I may have a problem.....
drop warp talons, expensive units for nothing tougher than a space marine except for the daemon rule (which is just a 5+ save and fear), really not worth it imo. Either swap them to raptors with a plasma gun/melta (still expensive) or use the points to reinforce the bikes and slap on MoN for some T6 bikers.
So far they have proven to be decent in the games I have played with them. I deep strike them they also have a rule Warpflame strike which has a chance of blinding units close to them, they also re-roll with them having shred special rule.
What I am looking at getting are the following – 1squad of marines, 3 more bikes, squad of terminators and another forgefiend with the weapons upgrade or 3 obliterators not sure yet

This will give me more flexibility when playing against my friends. So far what I have stands just short of 1500pts which is what we normally play
The problem with Warp Talons is you're paying 160pts for a unit that on the turn it arrives from deep strike are essentially an expensive combat squad without guns. Can they rip face in combat? Sure. Are they likely to get into combat at a meaningful strength and make their point back? No, not at all. They need to be able to assault from reserve like Ymgarls and Vanguard vets to be even slightly useful.

Blind is very situational and sounds a lot better than it is generally. A few thinks are immune and a lot of stuff has high enough initiative not to worry.
Obliterators are very effective, especially with Mark of Nurgle. Maybe a larger bike squad? 3 bikes isn't a lot and means they're taking a morale check from their first casualty.
There used to be a scenario in 2nd/3rd edition with a gameboard that moved each turn (effectively you moved each unit back 6 inches) it was some sort of race type scenario so your army had to be mobile enough to keep going, I might try and find it again and adapt it for 6th.
Okay if no one has any painting advice, how about inspiration for a good base! Wouldn't mind making it look like it's flying over a canyon environment with high rocks......?
I can only really give generic advice, but I would consider making it modular (so rather than a single 4'x4' or 6'x4' board, use either four or six 2'x2' pieces; this allows you to store it much more easily and even move pieces around if you feel like it) and not permanently attaching the city terrain permanently. After that, you need to look at whether you want it to be a heavily damaged area or mostly intact, as it will determine what kind of buildings you buy/build (however, by not permanently fixing them to the board, you're free to swap between the two at any time).

You can also use sand/gravel to build up crater edges (bonus points if some of these are flooded with some nasty slime or something), which always looks pretty cool. :)
Well I am no good at army building but this is what I have so far (CSM)

+ HQ
* Chaos Lord with Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Power Sword
* Daemon Prince (280pts)
Dimensional Key , Level 3, Nurgle,
Power Armour

+ Elites
* Chosen (Rhino)
* Helbrute

+ Troops
* Chaos Space Marines
* Aspiring Champion
* Marines (Heavy Bolter & Plasma Gun)

* Cultists x10
* Cultists x10
* Cultists x10

+ Fast Attack
* Chaos Bikers x3
* Warp Talons x5

+ Heavy Support
* Forgefiend

I am looking at what to do next for them, the armies that I am up against are Orks, Necrons and Nids

From my research recently I can say the following (And I am likely to be very wrong as I am still learning)

What are the chosen being used for as you have not specified any special weapons they will take? Standard chosen are just normal CSM so you are paying Extra for nothing so either load them all up with special weapons or reclaim the 125+ points.

As mentioned remove the warp talons because they are poo which is a massive shame :( Are you using the dimensional key for the terrain effect or the Deep strike? if Deep strike remove it as you will be removing the only deep striking unit you have... Unless you include oblits then you have another unit that can deep strike and scare your opponent.

Consider adding the Sigil of corruption (25 points)to your Chaos lord as it gives a 4++ Invuln save which if you give him the MoT it goes to a 3++ invuln so he has a 3+/3++ save :) even better make him a termie lord and have a 2+/3++ save :) Or again as mentioned get a biker squad with MoN and stick your lord on a bike to roll with them.

Try and make cultist squads as big as possible because lets face it... cultists are like a poor mans Guardsman and are used to tarpit units or contest points, Whack either a MoN for the +1T or MoT for the 6++ invuln save to make them survive a tad longer. A full squad of 35 with MoN comes in at 210 points and MoT come in at 175 points so its pennies but then it does depend on the size of your game or alternatively give them the MoK and throw a 105 dice on the charge :) even if you are assaulted you will throw 70 dice back but that is wasting points and would just be funny.

Hellbrutes seem to be pretty crap unless you take them in a pair with a warpsmith to back them up and keep them going, I think there are just better options.
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That fighter looks nice Monkee :)

I'm just about to make a start (again*) on my tau this week, I had to clear my modelling/computer area for some work to be done and found a load of bit's i'd pretty much forgotten about (Shadowsun, Farside, Remora drones, fire warriors), so I'm going to make a start on them I think :)

*I've gone through at least three Tau phases now, when I first got them, when I got a second bunch, then when I got a third - but never really completed the second and third bunch after being very disappointed in their performance (every single game they got slaughtered by fast moving Orc's, or Marines because they would fold like origami paper as soon as anything got in close, and the rules were so outdated for them).
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