Tabletop Warhammer?

has anyone used any bronze spray/primer? Found car stuff and humbrol stuff so far. Im assuming the humbrol stuff will be fine? Its for the space marine statue terrain piece.
with the car paints be careful which you go for, I have grey primer and black spray paint. the black spray paint is much better than the grey primer (both from halfords). With the grey spray, paint rubs of very very easily, the black seems to give a much better surface to paint onto and also somehow does not rub off as easily.
Where's the best place to sell 40k stuff, i have an old space wolves army which as done nothing but live in the loft for years (Since 2003). Mostly painted, some are not.

Ragnar Blackmane (metal)
2 Wolves
Venerable Dreadnought (metal)
5 x Scouts (metal)
4 x Terminators (metal)
Wolf Priest (metal)
2 Thralls (metal)
Long Thangs
Death Pack
Grey Hunters
Blood Pack
6 Bikers
Lemon Russ
2 Rhinos (1 old 1 new)
Another Tank (Predator maybe?)
Land Speeder

Wouldn't even know what expect for it, been out the loop for years! All of it's been kept in one of them black briefcase things.


Bronze spray will be fine although it will look too new if that makes sense. To age it, you'd have to work on it with wash and drybrush / verdi gris.

Yeah I understand what your saying. Itll probably end up cheaper just priming black and buying some bronze paint and doing it that way its more just for smoothness I was looking at a spray. Its either that or I use the balthasar gold I have and do some heavy washes rather than going bronze with it. Not sure what ill decide on.
I know that feeling. I am still working through 36 Brettonians Knights and each one has to be the same (customer requirement). Finding motivation to paint the same thing over and over is hard!
So Forgeworld have launched their Apocalypse update book.

They've also done formation bundles...

which have discounts over buying them separately! My god, it's like they're a different company to GW.
So Forgeworld have launched their Apocalypse update book.

They've also done formation bundles...

which have discounts over buying them separately! My god, it's like they're a different company to GW.

Now if only they would fix their ridiculous shipping price structure...
think Ill be putting in an order for that book. Im planning to get a contemptor or 2 and since that has the rules its a no brainer. Then resist the temptation of a fellblade (assuming the rules are good) Though it would make an awesome centerpiece to the army
Picked up some sheets of cork from hobby craft the other day, originally got it for basing but it turns out its also quite good for building small ruined buildings. Will post up some pics if I get something half decent made.
Strong chest high walls :

I couldn't tell you the paint names but all I've done so far is:
1) prime with black spray
2) dry coat brown over whole engine area
3) dry coat silver over whole engine area

Made sure to leave it patchy so the two colours could still be seen through. Dunno if there's any other techniques I can use for that Grimey metallic machinery look. Unsure now to go about texturing some engine/exhaust grime on.
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