Tabletop Warhammer?

I ended up visiting the local Warhammer store for a chat - and their advice was to wait for the end of the month, when they expect to release quite a few little bits, including two smaller starter sets (Storm Strike and Tempest of Souls), plus a special "Get started with AoS" magazine with a special Stormcast wizard mini on the front. Battletome Stormcast comes out tomorrow as well.

I've also decided to paint them as Hallowed Knights - but to make the silver nice and bright with a blue wash.

edit: I got 5 handles :D
Decided I am giving up on AoS. Going to put IronJawz up for sale this weekend I think and see if I can get a good price for them. If I play it again I'd want to do another force so seems daft holding on to them. Shame really as they were fun to paint. Might just finish off the last 2 models so I can sell them as fully painted.

Also finished a guard commission so time to start building some Tau I have had in boxes for ages! Going for the green scheme but running out of ideas on what colours to compliment the main colour. Since pic I have got rid of the yellow on end of gun and have added pink/purple lenses but not sure on them either. Thinking about changing the black mechanicals to metals. Thoughts?

Decided I am giving up on AoS. Going to put IronJawz up for sale this weekend I think and see if I can get a good price for them. If I play it again I'd want to do another force so seems daft holding on to them. Shame really as they were fun to paint. Might just finish off the last 2 models so I can sell them as fully painted.

Also finished a guard commission so time to start building some Tau I have had in boxes for ages! Going for the green scheme but running out of ideas on what colours to compliment the main colour. Since pic I have got rid of the yellow on end of gun and have added pink/purple lenses but not sure on them either. Thinking about changing the black mechanicals to metals. Thoughts?
Can I ask why you're packing in AoS? I haven't had a chance to play (only owned it for a week!) but I'm really keen to get stuck in.

I'm a big fan of having metal effects on my Space Marines and Dreadnoughts between the armour plates and inside the joints. I think it looks cool.
Mainly through lack of play. My group did AoS for a while and then all moved back to 40k. We switch about and I did find I really didn't get along with IronJawz. I fancy something different if we play AoS 2.0.
Decided I am giving up on AoS. Going to put IronJawz up for sale this weekend I think and see if I can get a good price for them. If I play it again I'd want to do another force so seems daft holding on to them. Shame really as they were fun to paint. Might just finish off the last 2 models so I can sell them as fully painted.

Also finished a guard commission so time to start building some Tau I have had in boxes for ages! Going for the green scheme but running out of ideas on what colours to compliment the main colour. Since pic I have got rid of the yellow on end of gun and have added pink/purple lenses but not sure on them either. Thinking about changing the black mechanicals to metals. Thoughts?


That big guy looks a good start, like the scheme.
Decided I am giving up on AoS. Going to put IronJawz up for sale this weekend I think and see if I can get a good price for them. If I play it again I'd want to do another force so seems daft holding on to them. Shame really as they were fun to paint. Might just finish off the last 2 models so I can sell them as fully painted.

Also finished a guard commission so time to start building some Tau I have had in boxes for ages! Going for the green scheme but running out of ideas on what colours to compliment the main colour. Since pic I have got rid of the yellow on end of gun and have added pink/purple lenses but not sure on them either. Thinking about changing the black mechanicals to metals. Thoughts?


I'm liking the look of him, is he one of the speical suits? (I don't recognise it off the top of my head - I've got a tau army but haven't touched it in a couple of years).

I'm not sure what colour I'd recommend, normally if one of my friends asked I'd suggest shocking or tentacle pink, possibly with a check pattern (long running joke with a couple of our group, which has led to pimp style commissars etc).

Still working on the Lord of Skulls, got the first coat onto the skulls! and ordered a box'o'skulls to add some more...
He's looking better but I'm pretty resigned to taking him with everything apart from the torso and tanks being very basic levels of painting (2-3 colours, no washes).
He’s a Stormsurge. It’s amazing how different they look with the addition of 3d printed parts. Couldn’t stand the original design.

Pink and Orange are complimentary colours so I am leaning that way but trying to do it nicely. Thought about a hex overlay but would need to buy stencils and fade it in and doubt it would work on smaller models as well.
Ah that would explain why I didn't quite recognise him:)
I was thinking possibly a FW variant.

I'm still working on the Khorne Mower™, he's got to be packed up on Monday or Tuesday so he's going to have his first outing with everything base coloured (mainly red), with his tracks pretty much fully done, but the rest of him at most having one level of highlight (and none of the various pipe on).
I'm in the process of gluing the tracks on him at the moment, after that I'm going to finish off the second colour on various parts.
Basically getting him to the point where he's not going to fall apart when I pick him up, but with the upper body/waist, and tanks removable for further painting and transport.

I may have chosen a bad model to get back into painting with, at least in terms of getting him done in a limited time:) (but he's a great model in terms of look for the first one to be done after a long break from painting).
I have to admit, I'm really enjoying painting these figures. I still haven't had a game though :D

Currently, I've decided to concentrate on Age of Sigmar as opposed to 40k, purely because I've always been more of a fantasy fan - and the Stormcast Eternal models are amazing. I know there are a few players at the local group, so I know I can get a game - I just wish they didn't play on a Saturday night.

Just working on Sequitors and Castigators for now - I'd rather get my technique right before I try anything more complex (even though I've done a fair few models now, I still consider myself a bit of a painting noob).
I had a (long) game over the weekend with some friends, two teams of 3 players at 80PS each.

Daemons (Khorne and Nurgle) vs Imperials (mechanicus, sisters and grey knights), the khorne mower took it's time in getting into game but did fairly well. whilst Mortarian did well in absorbing masses of fire, and taking out two teams of sisters in one close combat attack by splitting his attack across them and had a bunch of wounds to spare, whilst one of my squads of bloodletters suffered over 100% casualties:) (rolled 1 on moral about 3 times bringing the team up to full twice))

I'll try and post some pictures of the board tomorrow as it was really well laid out.


The table before deployment.
The right hand side of the cannon ended up being a death trap as (from memory) a Knight, Mortarian, Grey Kinght unit, and Grey knight Landraider all exploded within about a 6 inch area.


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Looks sweet!

I'm still struggling to get time to paint a single model, really blinking frustrating right now.

In a month I've painted 2 of the marauders from shadespire and got the flesh colour on another.
Same, packed all my painting stuff away about a month ago now far to warm to paint, wet pallette was not working properly. Which is annoying because I want to make a start on my Tau kill team :(
I picked up my brushes for the first time in a month last night;


Still needs highlighting, rust on weapon and oxidising on his armor but that was last nights work as well as white base on another Death Guard.
I really like that guy, you're doing a really good job with him:)

I was looking for my second old Renegade box earlier, and found an unexpected unopened Death Masque 40k set.
I really need to stop buying new plastic before painging the old.

On a completely unrelated note, anyone else excited for Titanicus?
I know most of my group seem to be aiming for a set each, as at our weekend of fun we tried a quick Knights game and decided next year we're probably going to do a large Knights based game, and Titanicu.
Totting up we worked out between us we already have about 25-30 Knights (we've all got at least once copy of Renegade at some point), although only about 6 are painted:p

I'm thinking of taking a break from the Khorne to do a Knight or two, as I'm sort of burned out on Red.
Yup, from what I understand they basically measured the FW models and remade them at the smaller scale, whilst with the Knight models they shrunk down the CAD drawings and did the necessary adjustments.
It looks like the probable RRP of the Titanicus set will be about £175, which is a lot but then it's got two Knight sized models, 6 smaller ones, scenery and a hardback rule book.

The hobby idiot inside me is telling me to buy it.
It looks like the probable RRP of the Titanicus set will be about £175, which is a lot but then it's got two Knight sized models, 6 smaller ones, scenery and a hardback rule book.

The hobby idiot inside me is telling me to buy it.
Which from one of the popular discount websites should set you somewhere around £150. The Warlords are nearly £70 each on their own so the box is well worth picking up if your getting into it.
What was the really old (talking like 20+ years old) version of this game? I remember in the box you got an Imperator and an Ork Titan as well.
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