Tabletop Warhammer?


20mins to get the above done with the new contrast paint (metals are normal metallic paint) the colour I am still least keen on is flesh.

They are my converted Bestigors for my Khorne themed Beastmen army (as I hate the old Bestigor models) Gor head and hoofs put on Blood Warriors essentially.

Somehow missed that moldline on the glove when painting, that needs nipped :p
I'd be interested to see it with the rest of the metallics done to the it together. Glad you found time to get some painting in though!

I spent about an hour basecoating and starting to layer a commissar last night.
I'd be interested to see it with the rest of the metallics done to the it together. Glad you found time to get some painting in though!

I spent about an hour basecoating and starting to layer a commissar last night.

I'm hoping to try and finish this evening and will post it up.

I get a feeling I'm laying on the flesh too much as I've seen some amazing work with that paint so it's probably just me getting used to the paint right now. Will try and update later.
Knight weaponry always takes about 5 times longer to paint than I think they will, and the Porphyrion is proving no exception. Every time I think I'm getting close to done I spot another half dozen things to do! Oh, and the small matter of the other arm!

I'm painting a load of Nighthaunt and I'm kind of really annoyed about the new Contrast paints. I want to dislike them but only because I cant afford to buy into them, they are actually very interesting and look like a lot of fun.
I have a ton of paints that I feel need using before I can invest in Contrast. What I have done is gone out and bought a pot of matt medium (£3 from hobby craft) so I can thin down my existing paints and kind of get the same result as the contract paints. It does work but really I'm finding it best to lay down some agrax earth shade or athonian camoshade first before putting on the thinned down normal paints. Its giving me a very nice shading effect as long as I'm using a brown or green variant of paint. Brown and green is pretty much what I need to use for some rag like Grimghasts. so all is good. The only trouble is is that my budget lahmian medium is taking forever to dry. I mixed up some matt medium with water and then some purple paint, its now 12 hours since I applied the paint and its still wet!

That gun above look awesome. Needs splatting with nula oil or agrax!

Here is the slow dryer. It'll get a dry brush of skull white on the purple which seems to give a great ghostly effect.

Some finished Dreadblades.

Some work in progress, very early stages. I want to differentiate between different classes, so they are not all nihilakh, gloom or hexwrath. I thought making it look like they are wearing various green and browns of tattered clothing might work.

I know there are mold like and gaps, but realistically you cant see all of them when at a normal distance, especially when they have their final coats on.
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Sorry for trying to convince myself against Contrast and posting here to do that! I keep looking at reddit AoS forum/thread thing and seeing lots of people trying out Contrast and I see nothing that I like the look of or at least nothing that I think cant be done with normal paints and a bit of elbow grease. The only photo I have seen that could actually persuade me to buy (when I go in to GW to pick up my Queen of the Briar! (bought direct from GW because no one else seems to sell it!)) is the one of a lot of Space Marines that have been splatted with the new paints. I look at them and think, yup like that, yup like that, nope, nope and a load more nope's. The yup's are always the ones that GW already produce a Shade that does what the Contrast is doing i.e. yellow, green, blue and brown. God dam Contrast, I know I'm going to cave in and buy some.
I'll probably pick up a few contrast paints for things like faces and robes - I've taught myself to paint metalics to a level I'm happy enough with but flesh and fabric is another matter!
This is the converted Bestigor finished, as before metallic are normal paint and the rest is contrast.




I worked on the flesh colour and mixed it 50/50 with the new contrast medium, comes out much nicer with some medium in there as without in the first picture it is almost brown.


Sorry for trying to convince myself against Contrast and posting here to do that! I keep looking at reddit AoS forum/thread thing and seeing lots of people trying out Contrast and I see nothing that I like the look of or at least nothing that I think cant be done with normal paints and a bit of elbow grease. The only photo I have seen that could actually persuade me to buy (when I go in to GW to pick up my Queen of the Briar! (bought direct from GW because no one else seems to sell it!)) is the one of a lot of Space Marines that have been splatted with the new paints. I look at them and think, yup like that, yup like that, nope, nope and a load more nope's. The yup's are always the ones that GW already produce a Shade that does what the Contrast is doing i.e. yellow, green, blue and brown. God dam Contrast, I know I'm going to cave in and buy some.

I don't think it does anything better than normal paint but it does what will take 2-3 times as long with normal paint and unless you are really grafting the results will be hard to tell apart.

Really top painters (of which I am certainly not one :p) will produce better results with normal paint but for most painters it will provide a quick solution to get results which are as good as what you can normally manage.

I'm a slow painter but i done the Beastmen in about 40-45mins (ignoring drying time) when that would have taken me a few hours and apart from the flesh which I'm working on it's about where I would expect myself to be standard wise.

The paints aren't a panacea but I'm impressed with them after an initial "meh" I thought they would especially suck on armour etc but it looks pretty brilliant on the Khorne armour. Mind you need to be anal about getting your base right when spraying and ensuring the whole model is covered as contrast really does not take well to a surface that isn't well based.

Depends on what you want out of painting but if you are happy with a good standard done fast to play with then I think you would like contrast. If you aim for every paint job to be as near to dammit as a gold demon entry then it's probably not worth bothering. As I've said though I'm quite content being a passable painter (I keep myself happy at least :p) so maybe a "good" painter would have a differing opinion to mine.
I get they may have there uses but tbh undercoating in white is a bit 1990s for me, always undercoat in grey or black, that way if you miss something it doesnt stand out a mile.
I get they may have there uses but tbh undercoating in white is a bit 1990s for me, always undercoat in grey or black, that way if you miss something it doesnt stand out a mile.

I'm the same normally I go grey (never tried black base before) but this is for this specific paint. There is a more grey undercoat rather than wraithbone but fancied trying the wraithbone first.
Hey chaps, looking for a little advice. I'm wanting to make a small two foot by two foot game board for small battles with my son. I want it to be covered by sand to represent a desert (or I may cover it in sand and spray grey for a wasteland) has anyone done this as I'm wondering what sort of glue I can get to go on the wood I can then pour the sand over so it sticks to it.

Is the above even realistic?
Yeah it's pretty standard. Watered down PVA glue should work fine.

The problem with sand is it's not fine enough, at that scale it won't look like a desert. If this bothers you there are some options, you can use something finer like bicarbonate of soda.
I wouldn't even water it down personally, just put it on really thick, then cover it in the sand, leave it to dry (this will take literally days) then after make up a watered down PVA mix, milk consistently, then use a soft brush or similar and apply it all over, this will form a seal over the top.

I do this with bases. If you then want to make it look really pretty you can buy these little stick on grass Tufts, they are pretty cheap and stick them on to make them look like those little desert plant things you see in Arizona.

Edit: ohhhh important,if you can buy a sand coloured spray paint, spray the base first, the PVA will dry see through and it'll look dark if you don't spray or paint the base sand colour first.
I went into my local Warhammer shop, to pick up two pots of paint, and apart from doing their usual 'grab what you want and usher you to the till', he didn't once try to get me to buy Contrast paints... Which I thought was slightly poor sales technique. Very chatty and all, but I really hate the way they seem to want me out of their shop asap. Maybe I look odd or too old.
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