Sorry for trying to convince myself against Contrast and posting here to do that! I keep looking at reddit AoS forum/thread thing and seeing lots of people trying out Contrast and I see nothing that I like the look of or at least nothing that I think cant be done with normal paints and a bit of elbow grease. The only photo I have seen that could actually persuade me to buy (when I go in to GW to pick up my Queen of the Briar! (bought direct from GW because no one else seems to sell it!)) is the one of a lot of Space Marines that have been splatted with the new paints. I look at them and think, yup like that, yup like that, nope, nope and a load more nope's. The yup's are always the ones that GW already produce a Shade that does what the Contrast is doing i.e. yellow, green, blue and brown. God dam Contrast, I know I'm going to cave in and buy some.