Tabletop Warhammer?

Nothing much for AoS on that list. Its also in $. For some reason Magic MadHouse have bumped up their prices on nearly everything. I wonder if they have already got wind of further GW price increases? Wayland games are still 20% off GW current prices.
GW have just announced another load of price increases it seems. Bit galling considering last month they were paying out bonuses to all staff due to record profits...

Gah, capitalism eh.

Cheers though, was going to buy some spaz marine stuff in a few months time but Ill just get it now instead.
What primers do you lot use? I have been using Halfords white/grey/black primers, but awhile back I bought some Army Painter Skeleton Bone to prime some Orruks. The difference is massive. The Army Painter is silky smooth and quite glossy, where as Halfords primers are very matt and have a chalky feel. It's been along time since I bought and used GW primers so I cant remember if they are glossy or matt. I'm looking for a smoother primer that Halfords is not giving me.
I use Halfords Grey/white and always been impressed, I tried the army painter grey once and I wasn't impressed. Didn't particularly like the GW spray either the one time I used it.
I think I know what my problem was. Halfords do a white/grey primer and a white/grey plastic primer. The plastic primer looks like its a more glossy finish. I have a can and I need to prime the Briar and her minions so I'll find out.
I use Halfords Grey/white and always been impressed, I tried the army painter grey once and I wasn't impressed. Didn't particularly like the GW spray either the one time I used it.

Just finished can of army painter grey and it's been really poor. Crap coverage. Rough texture.

Have a can of Halfords black - brilliant.
On the subject or undercoats, I actually have a can of GW black at the moment as the local hobby store sells it and I had run out.

I actually prefer the Hycote spray, the GW spray comes out thin, maybe it's more noob friendly to stop you overdoing it, but undercoating a chaos rhino yesterday I found myself going over and over to get a more even finish, also using a lot of the paint.

The Hycote spray, ok you have to be more careful, but gives an even coat quicker using much less of the can.

The cherry on top is I just ordered 3 cans of Matt Black Hycote including delivery for less then a tenner.

No brainer really.

The only reason I use GW white is because I have yet to find a good alternative, but I don't often undercoat white anyway and will tend to use grey for lighter coloured models.
I think I know what my problem was. Halfords do a white/grey primer and a white/grey plastic primer. The plastic primer looks like its a more glossy finish. I have a can and I need to prime the Briar and her minions so I'll find out.

After checking out the above. I can see an improvement when using the Halfords 'white plastic primer' over the 'white primer'. They only sell it in the smaller can but definitely worth checking which one you pick up. Don't think they do a plastic primer in grey, only white, black and red.
Re primers, we've tended to use Halfords black, but for some things GW's specific colours, mainly leadbelcher, but I also picked up the last cans of Averand sunset from one online retailer because I'm doing my Titans as Fureans and Averland Sunset as the undercoat/basecoat makes things so much easier (followed up by an aibrush spray of flash gitz).
I have discovered boxes of Games Workshop and Forgeworld models from the past 5 years that I haven't opened (brand new). Any tips on best place to part with these, as we are needing money for DIY tasks?
I am loathed to use eBay as i've been scammed a few times there (where I was forced to give refund and then the incorrect model was sent back).
I have discovered boxes of Games Workshop and Forgeworld models from the past 5 years that I haven't opened (brand new). Any tips on best place to part with these, as we are needing money for DIY tasks?
I am loathed to use eBay as i've been scammed a few times there (where I was forced to give refund and then the incorrect model was sent back).

This was discussed last week.

Here, good luck.
I have discovered boxes of Games Workshop and Forgeworld models from the past 5 years that I haven't opened (brand new). Any tips on best place to part with these, as we are needing money for DIY tasks?
I am loathed to use eBay as i've been scammed a few times there (where I was forced to give refund and then the incorrect model was sent back).

What have you got?
What have you got?

BNIB GW Finecast Captain Stern Grey Knights
BNIB Space Wolves Wolf Guard Terminators
Opened Space Marine Rhino on Sprue
BNIB House Escher Gang Necromunda
BNIB Forgeworld Necromunda Belladonna
BNIB Forgeworld Necromunda Slate and Dog
BNIB Forgeworld Gabriel Angelos
BNIB White Dwarf Joseph Bugman Finecast
BNIB White Dwarf Jospeh Bugman Metal
BNIB Forgeworld Legio Custodes Shield Captain
BNIB Forgeworld Death Korps of Krieg Squad
BNIB Forgeworld Death Korps Grenadier Special Weapons
BNIB Forgeworld Horus Heresy Ravenguard Dark Fury Squad
BNIB Forgeworld Legion Praetor in Cataphractii Terminator Armour

40K Out of Production/Miscellaneous
Opened 15 sprues of Space Marines (Sanguinary Guard, Assault marines, 10 Transfer sheets, bases)
Part-Painted 6 Flesh Tearer Assault Marines (metal FleshTearer shoulder pads)
BNIB Forgeworld Brass Etchings - Battledamaged vehicle plates
Opened Hand Flamer 'spray gun' (unused)
BNIB OOP Lord Commander Dante Metal
BNIB OOP Chaplain Lemartes Metal
BNIB Astorath the Grim Metal

Warhammer Fantasy
BNIB Dark Elf Dreadlord on Black Dragon
BNIB Akhelian Alloplex

Warhammer Fantasy Out of Production
BNIB Khemri/Undead/TombKings Settra on Foot Metal

BNIB White Dward Issue September 2016, with SlaughterPriest Sprue (sealed)
Unread Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer (unread, no animal/smoke)

used Titan Legions/Space Marine/Epic - Rules/Counters/Templates/Cards INCOMPLETE
used Titan Legions/Space Marine/Epic - Renegades Expansion in Box INCOMPLETE
used Titan Legions/Space Marine/Epic - Hive War Expansion (no box) INCOMPLETE
used Epic Tyranid Heirodule part-painted Metal
opened Epic Tyranid Heirodule unpainted unassembled Metal
opened Titan Legions/Space Marine/Epic - Imperial Imperator Titan on sprue, part-painted/assembled with all rules and templates
used Warhammer PC Games (Final Liberation, Chaos Gate, Rites of War, Shadow of the Horned Rat)
This is my list. Playing the retrieval mission from rule book.

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [56 PL, 998pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Legion: Alpha Legion

+ HQ +

Daemon Prince with Wings [9 PL, 180pts]: 6. Exalted Champion, Intoxicating Elixir, Malefic talon, Warlord, Wings
. Slaanesh

Sorcerer [6 PL, 98pts]: Bolt pistol, Force stave, No Chaos Mark

+ Troops +

Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 50pts]: No Chaos Mark
. 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun
. Cultist Champion: Autogun

Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 50pts]: No Chaos Mark
. 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun
. Cultist Champion: Autogun

Chaos Space Marines [8 PL, 88pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. 4x Marine w/ Boltgun
. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Heavy bolter

+ Elites +

Khorne Berzerkers [9 PL, 190pts]: Icon of Wrath
. Berzerker Champion: Plasma pistol, Power fist
. Chainaxe and plasma pistol: Chainaxe, Plasma pistol
. 8x Chainsword and bolt pistol

+ Heavy Support +

Havocs [7 PL, 140pts]: Mark of Slaanesh
. Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Chainsword
. 2x Havoc w/ autocannon: 2x Autocannon
. 2x Havoc w/ lascannon: 2x Lascannon

Venomcrawler [7 PL, 130pts]: Mark of Khorne

+ Dedicated Transport +

Chaos Rhino [4 PL, 72pts]: Combi-bolter, No Chaos Mark

++ Total: [56 PL, 998pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe
Well last night ended in a draw with him taking first blood and and me slaying his warlord in a volley of heavy weapons fire f on my havoc's.

Their overwatch on 5s is pretty lethal especially with their ability to fall back and cshoot and I found a couple of his units hard to hit so just concentrated on the stuff I could.

Next time I'm going to take bigger units of cultists so I can surround his units better. My prince held his own but found the venomcrawler disappointing with hisc4+ to hit.

Great game tho and If the game had gone another turn it could have gone either way .
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