Shadowsword assembled! Wooo
Good to know. I just have a token sitting there so may as well try - don't even know if they have audio versions of these books.Not that I'm tight or anything... well maybe a little... but you should be able to get two tokens for free audio books. All you need to do is use the first one then go to cancel and they throw another at you, after you use the second one you can then cancel (Where they throw a discount price at you). Prices of audio books are through the roof, not sure I would ever buy one when I could get the book at about a tenth of the price.
If you are feeling really tight you can find all the Gotrek books online for free, but on this one I like a physical book so I have most of them on paperback. Loved them all up to City of the Damned, ended up skim reading it just to get to the end, not gone any further yet.
I've been really impressed by GW last couple of years in their release schedule and how they've been updating the range. Claiming to release two new armies in AoS when they are all 10 year old models (bar the Ironjawz models) is massively uninspiring.
Gawd, what I wouldn't do for some.10 year old models vs my 25 year old ones!
The Guard are just grunts, they cope with whatever they are given
It's so disheartening seeing how many primaris minis are coming out and there I am with my 1994 stamped basilisk sprues!
Dirty Scavvies ready for duty! Anyone else fighting in the Underhive?
No but very nicely done.
Cheers dude! It doesn't seem anyone around here plays Necromunda. Bunch of philistines
I got it but wasn't as enamoured with it as I hoped to be having been a lover of the original. Getting a **** excuse for a board instead of real up and down scenery knocked my enjoyment more than I expected.
Yeah, i'm not keen on the board and just play with 3D terrain rules. Now with the new books Necromunda's moved on a fair chunk since the original (which I was a big fan of btw) with loads more content/options and more scope for thematic, narrative driven campaigns. There's crazy amounts of weapons, items, pets, guilds/criminal alliances etc. It's just a shame it's such a pig to organise! Best skirmish option out there with a good group of ppl tho.
I remember playing the original Necromunda probably what, 20 years ago? I do remember it being good, liked how you needed to keep records of your team and they get better the longer they stay alive.
You could Scrag people haha.
First try at a big mini, turned out really quite well I reckon