It's so disheartening seeing how many primaris minis are coming out and there I am with my 1994 stamped basilisk sprues!
I agree it seems a little unfair how some armies get forgotten about whilst others get updates.
But I get it, GW probably sell more space marines than anything thing else, so they will update those more regularly, sell more miniatures, make more money.
Imperial Guard do desperately need an overhaul though.
On a side note I am very nearly finished my Chaos Space Marines, 4 models left I think. It's been a mission, because I made up 16 Khorne Berzerkers all with chainaxes/chainswords, then decided the old models are pretty rubbish, so then redid them doing the blood warrior/berzerker conversions, again all with chainaxes/chainswords. I don't even want to think about how much time and money I've spent on just 20 models.... Anyway.
Next I'm going to do Necrons, my 12 year old started and has only painted about 800 pts worth in about a year and a half. I think he's going off it a bit, so I've asked him and I'm gonna get myself some, paint them up and then he can add them in with what he's got.
I seen a battle report with someone using that Seraptek construction (effectively Necron Knight) and he modelled it like more upright then you see it on forgeworld and it looked absolutely amazing, it's also a 625 pt chunk done in one.... £210 though..... I shouldn't really.