Tabletop Warhammer?

Yeah the bases really suit armour colour makes the models pop

Yes its the one with the raise lip Got a bunch of them myself not sure if they have some meaning or to be used with certain weapons or ranks lol

Makes sense that's it black or sliver since its rubber tubes and seals connecting to the helmet.

It used to be something you'd see on marine veterans or officers. Now it just seems to be random.
Be cool to have a few more people into their miniatures on my discord, at the moment there aren't really enough people who are into it, to have a proper chat. :p

Link in my sig. :)
Finished this metal casting of Frodo a few days ago! SOOOOOO tiny, but was a fun challenge. Swords a bit warped but there you go.

Currently waiting for the Wraithbone primer spray to come back in stock, a few of my friends and I got into Age of Sigmar, a few months ago, bored and curious during lockdown I suppose!

When all my paints arrive though, I'll be using contrast paints as opposed to traditional painting to get all my second hand Seraphons painted up.

I'll post before/after pictures once this happens! I used to paint airfix, still have some to paint, so maybe some skills are transferrable to miniatures!
Absolutely, but I'd definitely recommend checking out a YouTube tutorial or two. It's amazing what you can learn just by watching.
I used to paint airfix, still have some to paint, so maybe some skills are transferable to miniatures!

Going the other way, my son has given me a couple of his surplus 40K figures to have a go at. They've definitely been great fun, good practice, and have helped to hone my brush skills for my more usual tanks & planes stuff.
Currently waiting for the Wraithbone primer spray to come back in stock, a few of my friends and I got into Age of Sigmar, a few months ago, bored and curious during lockdown I suppose!

When all my paints arrive though, I'll be using contrast paints as opposed to traditional painting to get all my second hand Seraphons painted up.

I'll post before/after pictures once this happens! I used to paint airfix, still have some to paint, so maybe some skills are transferrable to miniatures!

Contrast paints are great, especially for models like Seraphons which are a lot of flesh/muscle/weird details.

I believe for things like Space Marines with lots of flat panels I believe they can be a bit awkward

I use them for my 40k Ork boyz, and have just primed from Stormboyz in black to attempt to paint using "classic" methods and i'm just not enjoying it as much as I just don't have the hours of experience with highlighting and brush skills :(
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Hello, hoping I can get some advice on a plan of action before I start.
I recently aquired the space crusade board game (and one of its expansions) and though that painting the minatures would be a good idea.
I dont want to paint the originals (so i can sell the game in future if needed).
So i thought i would just get some replacement parts (start small) and work my way through them.
The marines from the 1990s are small and basically just plastic blobs so i was looking at some more modern stuff.
It would be nice to have different poses and heads etc and the arms/weapons need to be configurable/swapable for the game.

So i purchased a single primaris intercessor marine.
As expected he is bigger and more detailed, but he only has the 1 weapon and the 1 stance.

So my plan was to buy a "set of marines" of some description and then check out ebay/etsy for 2nd hand / extra bits, both offical and also 3d printed.
Get some snips and some of that clay stuff (green stuff) and model my own squad.

Would a small hole and a very small magnet pair work for the arms joints?

Finally (i tested with my single trooper and it fits ok) but is there any reason any standard marine wouldnt work with a 25mm base?
The unit squares are of a size that multiple close units on this 33mm base will be cluttered.
Finally getting round to painting the Stormboyz @Gibbo so kindly gifted me for Secret Santa last year :)

One of the first infantry models i've done which isn't contrast, as i've just been smashing out mobs of Boyz since August when I got my Ork Start Collecting box :)

Deffo a long way to go before I can paint as amazingly as some of you guys, but enjoying it still :)

Any feedback, advice or criticism more than welcome!
Anyone seen the AoS info dump?

I'm a day one purchaser but see the Stormcast being mid 2k space marines where they expanded the range again and again and again until it ended up a bloated mess with barely any playable models but endless amounts of models available to buy.

They probably don't care if it fills their pockets but Stormcast will end up a predictably marine mess.

As it happens I like all the new models, love the orcs.
Anyone seen the AoS info dump?

I'm a day one purchaser but see the Stormcast being mid 2k space marines where they expanded the range again and again and again until it ended up a bloated mess with barely any playable models but endless amounts of models available to buy.

They probably don't care if it fills their pockets but Stormcast will end up a predictably marine mess.

As it happens I like all the new models, love the orcs.

I like the Kruleboyz, but buying that many models in one go would put me off painting, I'm having hard enough trouble with Cursed City. Stormcast look great, but not to play or paint. I'm wondering if I should try to buy the box and flog off the Stormcast, but I think a ton of people will be doing that. Only interest in the Boyz for future Warcry.
Very common for people to split the box sets or buy to sell half on eBay etc.

Must say I’ve never been a fan of the orks previously, but these ones look fantastic!
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