They're publishing updates on it's development every now and then on Warhammer Community but no firm release date yet
That might get me and several of my friends back to playing Fantasy.
I've got what are literally two complete Fantasy armies here that I'd started work on just before they killed it with the result they've been sat in boxes for years. From memory i've got about 100 clan rats, 50 storm vermin and 50 plague monks in parts ready for assembly, and all the other bits for a fairly big army in their boxes (and an Empire army that is smaller but also in it's boxes).
IIRC I'd just painted up a skirmish force when they announced the end of Fantasy and it resulted in all my enthusiasm for the project dissolving, so I moved back to my 40k projects.
I think younger brother had just bought/painted about 200 goblins for an orc army and he was not happy.
Although having said that, these days I'm mainly painting and playing the smaller force games, so things like Bloodbowl, Necromunda, Kill team, AI and Titanicus.
Whilst i'm posting in here, if anyone is getting fed up with paints settling/having to shake the bottles I can highly recommend a proper Vortex mixer,
I ended up paying about £100 for a good one and it seems to be working really well.
It's recovered a number of my ancient Vallejo model air paints, and seems to do a reasonable job with GW paints if they've not completely separated and gone solid. It's expensive, but the way I looked at it was that if it saved me buying just 20-30 paints it's paid for itself and it's saving a lot of time and effort in shaking airbrush paints before use (I tried a £25 ebay vortex mixer and it died within minutes).