Tabletop Warhammer?

My first set of Ultramarines nearly finished, just need to add the shoulder decals (yes they have a gloss coat on them so the decals are easier to move into place, they will have a matt coat on top once they are down) and also add a tuft to each base.

Had enough of painting minis blue for this week though ;)

Cheers all
Varnish the Salamanders and put them out somewhere imo, seems a shame to have them hidden away.

Can you put together a kill team from anything you've got, can probably do an Intercessors one right? Maybe just get that on the go and finished, if nothing else you'll get the satisfaction of having something else that's finished.

Just finished up two Terminators, I'm digging these models. Fun to paint as well.

That chip on the upper left arm looks terrible mate, I’d do the whole thing again ;)

Seriously in awe of how simple yet effective your painting style is. Clearly quick for you to do, and very little highlighting etc, but it’s aesthetically so striking and enjoyable to look at. Kinda makes a mockery of how long I spend on each of mine
After taking a long break after my 20 marine display, this is my first one out of the Grey Knights combat patrol box, a Purgator. I can see now in the detailed images a lot of mistakes I hadn't noticed when painting, but these are lot smaller and more detailed than the Primaris Marines I did, so I'm happy enough overall. I might go back and fix some bits but it's fully varnished and based, so I'll likely leave it as it is. Nice to just have a fully glued model with just one head after all the magnetising I did on my Marines display, also not requiring any transfers is great as well. In order to finish the box in good time I'll maintain this level of fairly basic detail for the whole set. Hopefully should make for another nice display case as it'a quite a small patrol that fits in smaller cases.



That chip on the upper left arm looks terrible mate, I’d do the whole thing again ;)

Seriously in awe of how simple yet effective your painting style is. Clearly quick for you to do, and very little highlighting etc, but it’s aesthetically so striking and enjoyable to look at. Kinda makes a mockery of how long I spend on each of mine

Thanks :) that means a lot

With these I’ve set out from the very beginning with it being 100% an army project so I spent some time trying to work out exactly what methods and products would get the best results in a reasonable time frame, I’m trying really hard on every model and they do take some time but there’s a few shortcuts in there that are really helping it be fairly efficient.

Like I use four colours for the red and spend a fair bit of time on it, but it’s all airbrush then once that’s done I basically don’t touch red paint again unless I need to touch it up. The chipping does a LOT of work in terms of readability and also stops me having to go too orange/pink for highlights.

I’ve started masking and airbrushing the shoulder pads as well now because the colours I use don’t cover very well and even wet blending the three colours was taking ages because they don’t even cover each other very well!

I’m getting a bit better at the black bits as well now so I might go back and have another go at the dread’s plasma cannon, because I really phoned that in and I think it lets the whole model down a bit.

I think red is really a tricky colour, the way you paint your Blood Angels (i.e properly!) would take me absolutely ages, and I don’t think I’d get close to what you do in terms of quality. So I have to cheat!
Mate from a ‘value for money’ (ie time spent painting to visual quality), you blow what I do out of the water. I’d rather have an army of yours than an army of mine, as there’s a clear “this is when I got good at painting” divide in my army :p

On a progress side, two chonky tanks primed and magnetised now (only the main guns tho; cos I’m lazy)!

Some really impressive work in here. I painted a lot of the original Warhammer miniatures many years ago. I think I may reignite the hobby with some 40k, always loved the setting.
Agree on the base topper faff. Not sure if it's easier to try remove the dead nid or just buy a new base and clip off the pegs.
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