Tabletop Warhammer?

I must be the slowest painter here!!

Love having the valve on the airbrush. Have far more control over the air! Marines ready for the next stage in painting.
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Ork and chaos players defo!

Chaos is the army I want but CBA with it. Going to do a test Red Corsair model at some point to see how I turns out. I also like Night Lords scheme but not so much the lightning bolts and bat stuff. So basically I like that shade of blue it boils down to :D

Too many other games grabbing my attention tbh. Team Yankee was the last one I played.
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Doing some shading with Tamiya white. Think something wrong with my airbrush though as paint is coming out without me even pulling the trigger back, albeit not a lot.
Taken it apart and cleaned but not made a difference. Can still use it as is but have to take extra precautions.
Doesn't seem consistent either just held down trigger for a minute and nothing.

Edit. Think I sorted it. I hadn't screwed something on properly. No wonder I've been struggling with it, schoolboy error.

I was trying to copy a scheme for red corsairs I saw on cult of paint but using the paint I already had. Unfortunately I ended up with World eaters or maybe word bearers, it looks okay in the dark but in the light is very clearly. Not a deep enough red. So I have ordered the one on the video now.
Not a waste of time because I can just put the new one over the existing shades etc.

I also finally assembled those chaos terminators I started like a year ago. Once I have the red scheme sorted I guess they will be next.

Yes I've scrapped all my plans and I'm settling on Dark Angels. I know I said I'm not fussed about being compliant with stuff but it's one of the few armies where it has a nice variation of colours so I thought stuff it. Let's just stick with this one.
Happy with contrast on the dread and that repulsor or whatever it's called (Gladiator)?

Ended the night on my Deathwing. Happy with the contrast between the sandy colour and the lighter one. Picture of the two hopefully shows the shade difference before I add highlights.

All in all a pretty productive day :)
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I do like the look of the Shadowsword, but I prefer the extra height the Baneblade has. It’s literally only the size of it that I love :D don’t think I even particularly want one to play with, just to have sat on the shelf as a centre piece!
@Noxia that red looks sweet!! So much trim on the traitor legions!!

It's a bit salmon pink tinged. I was using my TTC that are closest matched to mephiston and evil sunz.
The ones that just arrived are Pro AC bold pyrolle red and VMC vermilion.

Yeah I'm not looking forward to the trim lol.

Red is one of those colours very hard to photograph because of all the differences between monitors, calibration, etc. But you'll have to trust me that I have now got the red I want. This is how far I got with the trim before I decided I needed a break for my own sanity. Unfortunately, well actually, fortunately I want to keep going because I absolutely love the red and black scheme.

Do you think the trim would be easier if I was using something like black legion contrast paint

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Got the kill team

Also threw in a legionnaire kill team to bolster the night lord army

When I get round to building and painting it
I don’t like the golds. Just something about the tint. Love my Scale 75 golds.

The bold pyro red and burnt red are an awesome combo. They have some awesome new signature colours coming out!!
Ordered some Scale75 metallics including the golds this afternoon from Element Games.

They should arrive Tuesday/Wednesday next week :)
Wtf is going on with stock levels? Nearly all ranges are substantially out of stock at all resellers.
I’m sure this started just before Christmas. New independent store opened near me recently and was complaining that GW aren’t sending his orders and when they do, the turn around is like a month.

Just picked up these bad boys, more plastic to add to the pile lol.
I haven't played Warhammer in over 20 years, but those models look just like the Orcs and Goblins models I have in a box somewhere. They should really have put new stuff in their The Old World launch boxes. At least you get a lot of models in the box for your money.
I haven't played Warhammer in over 20 years, but those models look just like the Orcs and Goblins models I have in a box somewhere. They should really have put new stuff in their The Old World launch boxes. At least you get a lot of models in the box for your money.
I think re-releasing is pretty much the point, they probably noticed how much people were paying for Oldhammer on eBay to recapture childhood nostalgia :p
The battalion box set me back £85 for 73 minis so I cant really complain at that price.
Exactly, they can sell relatively cheap as they don't have to spend fortunes modelling multiple new entire armies, which works out well for the consumers who I suspect for the most part, want the 20 year old models anyway, they just don't want to spend £250 on random sets from ebay.

Still patiently waiting for the elves to release
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