Tabletop Warhammer?

Had time to go over all the pics I took and here's a few of the whole finished Grey Knights Combat Patrol together on my steel lined display case base, they all stand solid with their magnet bases. You can see just how closely they fit the display case in the last image with acrylic cover on. Most of the pics have bad lighting and or bad focus, but in some you can see quite good detail of the entire patrol at once.

Hope all are having a good break, cheers all.





Last image is poor quality but does show how well the patrol fits in the cases I use, the Dreadknight just about fits as you can see by its vertical reflection. In person the acrylic cases have really good clarity so you can see all the details perfectly, but are hard to take photos of.

Looks bloody great, you made such noticeable improvements in all the models you posted over the last 18mths I've been in this thread.
Putting together my Tournament List, this is with Starshatter Arsenal so

Each time a Necrons model from your army makes an attack that targets a unit within range of one or more objective markers, add 1 to the Hit roll. In addition, ranged weapons equipped by Necrons Vehicle and Necrons Mounted models (excluding Titanic models) from your army have the [ASSAULT] ability.
This is what I've taken so far.

Silent King 420 pts - Mid field control, practically unkillable unless they sink everything into him.
Void Dragon 300 pts - Generally an absolute pain to take down with huge damage output and anti-vehicle options, but even against other things he is brutal.
Imotekh the Stormlord 100 pts - CP farming on my home objective.
2x Doomsday arks 380 pts - Backline protection for anything that might deepstrike in or attempt to come in as reserves in my starting zone, while offering terrifying long range damage.
Canoptek reanimator 75 pts - To follow the silent king around for bonus regen
3x Lokhust Heavy Destroyer with Enmitic Exterminators + Lokhust Lord 280 pts - Dice roll spam, 36 shots with sustained hits on a 5+ and wound rerolls.
Skorpek Lord + 6 Destroyers 240 pts - Melee boys whos damage output is usually massively underestimated would be my defacto screening unit.
Triarch Stalker 110 pts - Cover removal for important to kill units.
Hexmark Destroyer with CHRONO‑IMPEDANCE FIELDS 100 pts - Backline protection for Imotekh + to provide the aura to silent king reducing weapon damage against him by 1.

1990 points I think ive ive costed it all right.

Possible swaps
Nightbringer 310 pts - C'tan shards despite their nerfs are still a huge hard to deal with threat. This is a 310 point swap though. Like the void dragon I am likely going to need to turn 1 advance move both of them to close the gap before they are useful opening them up to a potential world of hurt.
6 wraiths 230 pts (possible with technomancer 85 points) - An option for reserves. Being able to pop up on the sides of the table or behind enemy lines forces them to respect the carnage these can cause and they will rip apart anything left and not well protected.
Doomstalkers 145 pts - I'm not entirely sold on the doomsday arks. Yes the strength 18 and AP -4 and Dam 4 is nice but theres not a lot in that T8-9 bracket that makes it worth taking over the walkers S15 AP -3 dam 3.
Lokhust Heavy Destroyers 55 pts each - Either either weapon option.

Stuff not considered
All baseline infantry, warriors, immortals, deathmarks etc. - In this detachment just meh.
Tomb blades - Cheap, cheerful and actually quite potent, but while annoying and able to shoot and scoot, they just never do well for me in games except for if they get a lucky roll with particle beamers vs hordes. Point for point may as well take Heavy Destroyers instead imho.
Flayed ones - I know people love these as a screening unit but just dont think they are worth it at the moment
Spent yesterday afternoon stripping 6 Space Marines using a combination of Biostrip 20 & AK Interactive paint stripper, they will be primed again today.

They were the first minis that I have messed up in just over a year of painting them.

Lesson learned, stir your paint properly ;)
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Iv had a massive craving to paint some religious zealots with unbreakable will and something that matches the classic John Blanche artwork.

Only really two choices!! Black Templers or Adepta Sororitas!!! Such a tough call but ordered a box of the battle sisters and a few other bits and bobs :D

Think I’m missing just a few TTC colours now for the full line apart from the effects, ancillary’s and colour metallics!!! Time to sell my GW line!!

Spent some of my Christmas money on some goodies. Keen to see if my Deathgaurd scheme carries over to vehicles. A nice DOK Sorcerer and some Goth Mommies to paint :D
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