Tabletop Warhammer?

Looks like a Plague Marine to me :)
ooOo yes I'm now surfing ebay looking for battle Tombs instead of finishing him off lol.

From what I have painted of the Deathgaurd have fully enjoyed it. Space wolves are a customizer dream but I'm finding it a nightmare to get models done!! Why I putting them on hold until they get a revamp.
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ooOo yes I'm now surfing ebay looking for battle Tombs instead of finishing him off lol.

From what I have painted of the Deathgaurd have fully enjoyed it. Space wolves are a customizer dream but I'm finding it a nightmare to get models done!! Why I putting them on hold until they get a revamp.
I have got a really good armour recipe for the Deathguard really easy to do if you want it ?
Nothing to see here!!

You have just reminded me I have got both those two boxes sitting here and I have only assembled and primed Brands Oathbound ;)

I keep getting sidetracked, base coated all the armour on the 7 space marines for killteam today, god I hate painting Macragge Blue had to apply two coats of the stuff to get a good finish and that was on white primer.

Got an Artis Opus series S Size 6 arriving from Element Games tomorrow.
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@roman59 you after a bigger contrast brush? It's very difficult to judge what size of brush you want without having it in hand. Like i totally bought the wrong Winsor and Newton brushes for my painting style. Should have purchased the normal series 7 and not the miniature line. Size 1 and 0 which are basically identical also!! The miniature line is more for people that hare good at painting designs on their miniatures. I still have a craving to purchase A normal W&N 7 directly from themselves to ensure that its not a fake but the prices are mental.

I'm finding the Rosemary and Co free catalog I ordered along with the brushes so so handy. They have pictures in true scale for all of their ranges so can throw a brush over the top to match or get something you would like.

Sooooooo tempted. I believe the Hero series is around the same scale as the new tremies.
I was using an Artis Opus series S size 2 yesterday for the first time and was really pleased with the feel of the brush, I felt that a larger one would hold more paint when using contrast paints.

I have already got both the Series S and Series M 5 brush boxed sets sitting here, only ever used the smallest size brushes never the larger ones.

Been using a GW medium and small layer brush most of the time, which have seen better days (not the white handle ones).

Thought I would post a better photo of my Kill Team Death Guard squad.

I pretty much use my size 1 for absolutely everything dropping down to a double zero or triple zero for eye lenses and stuff.
I don't think I will have my kill team finished for Saturday but at least it's in a playable presentable state.

Heavy gunner is finished, I should varnish it but honestly I'm worried about it ruining the paint job.
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I pretty much use my size 1 for absolutely everything dropping down to a double zero or triple zero for eye lenses and stuff.
I don't think I will have my kill team finished for Saturday but at least it's in a playable presentable state.

Heavy gunner is finished, I should varnish it but honestly I'm worried about it ruining the paint job.
I really like those, I am currently in a bit of a turmoil with the blue armour on the Kill Team space marines, I applied Macragge Blue onto white primer yesterday and it looks too dark to me (maybe the paint was not mixed enough before I thinned it down), I might try a brighter blue glaze on top.
I really like those, I am currently in a bit of a turmoil with the blue armour on the Kill Team space marines, I applied Macragge Blue onto white primer yesterday and it looks too dark to me (maybe the paint was not mixed enough before I thinned it down), I might try a brighter blue glaze on top.

Well the colour blue you see in all of them is arguably the more traditional one because they are supposed to be 'midnight clad'. However, on the table top I prefer a brighter blue, hence the scheme I've chosen which the heavy gunner is in. I call them my bright lords.
Also, the kill team box art looks far brighter than other stuff I've seen of them.
My rhino looks like ultramarines colour lol. So will probably make an effort to not make the tank as bright. This is the one that used to be red

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Well the colour blue you see in all of them is arguably the more traditional one because they are supposed to be 'midnight clad'. However, on the table top I prefer a brighter blue, hence the scheme I've chosen which the heavy gunner is in. I call them my bright lords.
Also, the kill team box art looks far brighter than other stuff I've seen of them.
My rhino looks like ultramarines colour lol.
I prefer the lighter blue too, which colour blue did you use on yours ?
I prefer the lighter blue too, which colour blue did you use on yours ?

Kantor over black primer (this is what the models in the photo have had done except the one with the skin cloak has also had a wash)

50/50 Kantor/caledor sky
Caledor sky
Teclis for edges
Lothern for extreme bits (I've not used on the gunner)
Caledor sky is my favourite blue by far.
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Kantor over black primer (this is what the models in the photo have had done except the one with the skin cloak has also had a wash)

50/50 Kantor/caledor sky
Caledor sky
Teclis for edges
Lothern for extreme bits (I've not used on the gunner)
Caledor sky is my favourite blue by far.
Thanks for that I think Caledor Sky is the only blue I have not in my collection, I will pick up a pot at the weekend when I pick up Brutal and Cunning for Kill Team.
Thanks for that I think Caledor Sky is the only blue I have not in my collection, I will pick up a pot at the weekend when I pick up Brutal and Cunning for Kill Team.

You're welcome. When I eventually paint that kill team I think I'll try do them as IF (never been happy with anything yellow) or White Scars as I want to follow a video I saw.
You're welcome. When I eventually paint that kill team I think I'll try do them as IF (never been happy with anything yellow) or White Scars as I want to follow a video I saw.
Crazy thing is this time last year I painted some space marines with contrast paint & for the hell of me I cant remember the colours I used.

I keep a notebook now ;)
Crazy thing is this time last year I painted some space marines with contrast paint & for the hell of me I cant remember the colours I used.

I keep a notebook now ;)

Yep I do that now! Too often I fell for the "i don't need to write this down, I'll remember"
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