Tabletop Warhammer?

Game 2 vs death watch. Close game (literally even points) in round 3 but then basically ran away from him as my ctan made combat.

Game 3 vs chaos marines and it started off aweful for me loosing 6 heavy destroyers in turn 1, but once the silent king took the mid he just controlled the whole field really while the 2 shards mopped up everything else.

Learned a lot though and definitely have some ideas on how to improve my list
I don't actually use a primer. I just use whatever makes the rest of my model easier to start with.

But I use Molotow acrylic refills as I don't need to thin them and they're cheap.

Got into them after watching this:

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For those that prime their models with an airbrush what primer do you use?
I struggled for a long time with Vallejo primer, I’ve also tried AK primer which was a bit better but still a struggle.

Then I tried AK Dual Exo which I really like, and will continue to use, and I also use Molotow which is also really good.

Neither are technically primers but both work well and come in loads of colours.
Vallejo polyurethane can be be a bit pita sometimes but I find it very durable. Really have to crack up the PSI to get a nice coat.

Pro Acryl goes on like butter and leaves an amazing finish.

Started to use test spoon which might be too smooth and shiny, have to rough them up a touch for the primer to go on but Pro Acryl needs to cure over 24 hours and you can still rub it off. Again might be down to the spoons.
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I'm weak. Box of black templars ordered as well as all the army painter fantic texture effect paints and a few more washes to add to the wash set i got last week. Really like the washes.
I wouldn't be joining anything atm until the eldar codex is sorted out. Quick test game had it absolutely stomping everything through shear damage.
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