Taiwan and China thread.

Putin could have put it back into service for ww3, just strap a few outboard motors on it, patch up the hull, don't bother to paint it and it will blend in nicely
For anyone interested, here's the Lat/Long to find the ship - just copy/paste these into Google Maps etc and have a look around.

31°48'14.0"N 120°59'25.9"E

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Oh I know. I may have previously mentioned it, but America going to war with China, or China at war with Taiwan would put the world in a severe economic recession, possibly even a depression, and countries more reliant on global trade would be more affected.
That's the point though. It's a credible deterrent to prevent China from ever thinking it's worth the gamble.
Agreed if western nations started openly back Taiwan’s independence it is a slap in the face to China who would inevitably have to respond and it is a war that benefits nobody.

The U.S strategy means unification is always possible. The current policy is that independence is not supported, but violence is not supported and will be defended against. It means China can unify with Taiwan no problem, and the U.S won't do anything, as long as that unification is mutual - aka the people of Taiwan voted for it and there is no violence or military involvement. China has to take Taiwan by getting Taiwanese people to happily vote for it.

Unfortunately for China, latest polling still shows nearly 90% of Taiwan residents do not want to unify with China. That makes China mad because they are far from being able to unify with diplomacy
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