Talking to someone who claims they will kill their-self if

16 Sep 2005
What used to be a UK
the Tories means test Personnel Indepence Payments on the 17th of November, as it will rob them of the only thing they have left. He likens the introduction of means testing as an attack on the disabled similar to that of the introduction of the gas chambers to eliminate the jews.

I was quite shocked to hear this as he says he would say goodbye to his grandchildren and wife and then kill himself.
If it’s means tested then it will come to light if people are trying to fake it.

Not saying they will or are but this is what the tests are for. As long as they pass the means test it will be fine surely?
There will be a lot of people who live with partners who bring in a wage over the threshold-who-due to any number of financial commitments - are quite poor. It would also adversly affect those who work and are disabled etc.
He shouldn’t worry, it will not be means tested. Even if they do, I highly doubt the average disabled person will be affected.

They’ll be looking towards highly paid and wealthy people, not your average Joe.
If it's means tested it should be tested regularly enough that when a person does drop into needing it they are then entitled to it before their money runs out.
There will be a lot of people who live with partners who bring in a wage over the threshold-who-due to any number of financial commitments - are quite poor. It would also adversly affect those who work and are disabled etc.

Financial commitments need to be reduced then IMO. Everyone is having to do it right now. If this includes putting more clothes on, having less holidays, having that 1 less takeaway a week or buying that 3090 then so be it.

As bad as it sounds people need to sit down and start reducing outgoings.
Financial commitments need to be reduced then IMO. Everyone is having to do it right now. If this includes putting more clothes on, having less holidays, having that 1 less takeaway a week or buying that 3090 then so be it.

As bad as it sounds people need to sit down and start reducing outgoings.
Sounds like you agree with means testing PIP?
Where's that come from then? I haven't read anything about them means testing disability payments?
I could imagine quite a backlash if they did.
Sounds like you agree with means testing PIP?

I would personally say it needs to include other things.

It’s not a perfect world but why should someone on PIP be able to do more or get more to do or have luxury things that a working person can’t.

It’s a lot deeper than this though. For example do they have things that they need to support them through daily life. i.e suitable house adjusts, food, roof over their head, medical supplies.This alone for someone on PIP might cost an absolute fortune for some. Do they realise the help and the cost of other things that’s not taken into account?

If anyone is claiming PIP then they are potentially vulnerable to standard living.

Unless someone experienced went through about 1000 different location PIP cases then I wouldn’t know enough about it enough really.
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