Talking to someone who claims they will kill their-self if

I would personally say it needs to include other things.

It’s not a perfect world but why should someone on PIP be able to do more or get more to do or have luxury things that a working person can’t.

It’s a lot deeper than this though. For example do they have things that they need to support them through daily life. i.e suitable house adjusts, food, roof over their head, medical supplies.This alone for someone on PIP might cost an absolute fortune for some. Do they realise the help and the cost of other things that’s not taken into account?

If anyone is claiming PIP then they are potentially vulnerable to standard living.

Unless someone experienced went through about 1000 different location PIP cases then I wouldn’t know enough about it enough really.
Working people can improve their earnings and career, people on PIP who cannot work, cant.
That’s why it’s more complicated I didn’t say I was for means tested but it needs to include other factors of life.

Not 1 person is the same in this field. The common factor is they can’t work.

I’m well aware of this.
It sounds like you were saying that people who are disabled, through no fault of their own, should live on the breadline and have none of the things that make life more enjoyable and tolerable, such as a few beers, a sky subscription, holiday, a take away etc
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If it’s means tested then it will come to light if people are trying to fake it.

Not saying they will or are but this is what the tests are for. As long as they pass the means test it will be fine surely?

which would be fine in the ideal world, but the people doing the means testing are basically morons and people who are badly in need of support will end up destitute or dead. It's happened before and it will happen again ,especially with the current bunch of zealous far right nuts in the ruling party..............
which would be fine in the ideal world, but the people doing the means testing are basically morons and people who are badly in need of support will end up destitute or dead. It's happened before and it will happen again ,especially with the current bunch of zealous far right nuts in the ruling party..............

Maybe when this sort of stuff happens someone or some people need to be held accountable.
It sounds like you were saying that people who are disabled, through no fault of their own, should live on the breadline and have none of the things that make life more enjoyable and tolerable, such as a few beers, a sky subscription, holiday, a take away etc
I was totally with you until you said Sky subscription. That just needs to die a death.
If it’s means tested then it will come to light if people are trying to fake it.
erm no it means if your disabled you will have to live alone or have your benefits stopped and be totally dependant on someone else.

so basically, you would already be a burden on someone because of your needs, with means tested you would also be a massive financial burden.

Start building the showers and stick a voluntary sign on the door, the disabled aren't contributing to society and should be disposed of tory logic.

High earner paying low taxes or worthless waste of space
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A very good friend of mine has struggled for years with his mental health. He's tried so hard to get back into work but if something goes wrong it completely derails him. He managed to get DLA and PIP etc but he wants to work again... and as soon as he starts earning, he'll lose his welfare... then he'll have to go through the whole process all over again (years of fighting, forms, and going round in circles) if he can't hold the job down. A horrible place to be stuck in.
Then if they do implement it what are people gunna do about it?….

Yeh thought as much…

I don't think you actually know what the impacts of means testing in real life is other than the narrivetives you see in rags about sky subcriptions, netflix, 40 B&H a day, uber eats ordering layabouts. Come back when you have got yourself an actual clue....
A very good friend of mine has struggled for years with his mental health. He's tried so hard to get back into work but if something goes wrong it completely derails him. He managed to get DLA and PIP etc but he wants to work again... and as soon as he starts earning, he'll lose his welfare... then he'll have to go through the whole process all over again (years of fighting, forms, and going round in circles) if he can't hold the job down. A horrible place to be stuck in.

Do a bit of charity work. Build up the tolerance to commit a few hours a day then slowly this would build up and set them off on the right path. Just jumping into work after years of PIP would be difficult.

I know someone who laughs at charity work. Happy to stay at home all day though.
It sounds like you were saying that people who are disabled, through no fault of their own, should live on the breadline and have none of the things that make life more enjoyable and tolerable, such as a few beers, a sky subscription, holiday, a take away etc
Thats exactly what he was saying, ******* pathetic.

God forbid people who are on PIP and have disability that does not allow them to work, get some enjoyment in life by not having to live with the absolute bare minimum.

Its such a disgusting attitude to have. These people think its easy to get asses and get disability, ive heard some horrible stories.
Thats exactly what he was saying, ******* pathetic.

God forbid people who are on PIP and have disability that does not allow them to work, get some enjoyment in life by not having to live with the absolute bare minimum.

Its such a disgusting attitude to have. These people think its easy to get asses and get disability, ive heard some horrible stories.

That’s not exactly what I was saying. At all. Who’s getting asses?
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